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  1. Getting tattooed must be like having kids... You forget the pain, hence repeating it over and over. I just got an ankle tattoo about 2 months ago and it was nothing. Small tattoo. This after not having had any tattoo for 12 years. Yesterday I got a tattoo on my back and for the first hour and 50 minutes, I was completely fine. Even mentally patting myself on the back for my tolerance. Then the last 10 minutes. I was convinced he'd changed machines and was using a branding tool. The closer it went to my side/armpit, the worse it was. But I know in a few weeks I'll forget all that and be ready for more.
  2. I'm about an hour outside of Baltimore Maryland
  3. I'm Jennifer, 41, in eastern USA. Married Mom of two teenagers. I got my first tattoo at 19 at a Farmers Market and loved it so much I went back the next day and got a second. Not the finest work in the industry but I didn't know any better. About 10 years later I had the second tattoo covered by a much better artist in a bona fide tattoo shop. Unfortunately due to stretch marks (thanks kids) and other reasons I don't remember, I never got the work completely finished. I wasn't working, instead I was a stay at home Mom so I never felt comfortable spending money on tattoos. Earlier this year I went back to work and my desire to get more ink is really strong. Last weekend, on a whim, I went and got a small piece on my ankle and not only do I love it... I want MORE. I've spent the past 12 years envisioning a tattoo and thinking of more so I think it's time. I enjoy reading forums of people with like interests so joining here seemed like a good idea. attached is the picture of my recent tattoo.
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