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Update re: Tattoo Research Project

I've decided to start with a plain-old herbal tincture to help with the tattoo process itself. It is for folks who are getting tattooed in especially painful spots, who are really nervous, getting their first tattoo, folks who tense up during tattooing (or get muscle twitching), that sort of thing. If you are interested in hearing more about it, ask here, PM me or check out my website: http://www.quaternityholistics.com/p/products.html Mods - if this post is not okay, feel free to take it do



Looking for Volunteers for a Research Project about Tattooing

I'm taking a business development class as part of my herbal medicine program for the next few months. I'm learning about marketing, and developing products and resources for clients/customers. My current project entails learning how to identify clients wants and needs, for product and/or services development through interviewing them. The topic is how folks feel about the tattoo process, what works for them, all that good stuff. Basically, I'm trying to identify an overarching issue that mo



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