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Its been a while/My new Brooklyn Shop!!

Hey, so it's been awhile since I posted on here but I figured I'd hop on and make a post about my new shop. So around last November or so my Buddy Benjamin Haft and I Decided we needed to change our situations. He and I split from our respective shops (Fun City/Three Kings) over the winter, my wonderfully generous friend Ashley Love let me work in her private studio while we built out the raw space (a former 4 car garage). We did just about all the construction ourselves with a tiny bit of out




People of Earth I'll be hanging out in PDX August 26-29th, I have a few friends there but am always down to make more. No plans to tattoo while I'm there, but I guess that's subject to change if theres any interest. If you're in the Portland area and want to show a brotha around, please message me!



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