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Help!!!!! All bay area tattooers!!!!!!

ATTENTION ALL BAY AREA TATTOOERS. my friend danny dringenberges car was broken into tonight next door to black heart tattoo and all of his shit was stolen. anyone brings any tattoo related stuff including tattoo machines please call the shop.415-431-2100 there will be a reward for sure. please help if you can. thanks

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

one fucking year.

So....One fucking year already? I can't believe it has been that long. seems to fly by with everything going on you never really keep track of the beginning point? At least I never do, but thank god somebody paid attention because I sure wasn't. When loch told me about it I was surprised to say the least. I would like to thank everybody who has participated in this place, from the blogs, to photos, to the stories and even bumble nuts who i think may secretly be marrying ursula, "they really ha

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Dan Dringenberg Tattoo Artist Interview - (sorry for the delay!)

Dan Dringenberg hails from an era of tattooing that was scary, violent and otherwise hostile. I started tattooing in this period, cutting my teeth with a big biker guy named Miller. I'm sure that many people will understand when I say that Dan has changed tattooing in many ways, but most notably with his black back pack. It maybe true that every corner of this business is currently saturated with suppliers ripping each other off, but it wasn't like that back then. Dan was one of the first p

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

moved by request-

The following is what I wrote at the end of a thread that will be removed. By request, I've taken this part out and moved it here. If you have no idea what it's in reference to, lucky you. Don't worry about it. Hey everyone, Sorry I haven't been on here so much, I've been super busy painting and getting ready for an art show for the shop. Thank god we're now officially broken up with BumbleNuts. To clear up the "private section" issue, I just want to say that it has never been my intention

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Positive action that we can take regarding TLC and the Tattoo Schools

Hey everybody, there is some light at the end of this Tattoo School tunnel, and it came in my mailbox today. I recieved a letter from a friend whom I know to be a credible and reliable source on the subject. Here are his suggestions on how we can direct our collective energy in a positive direction to help clean up this mess. Thanks, Scott "Ok, here is the breakdown of the atrocious new show Tattoo School. The show as we all know is aired on TLC, TLC is part of the Discovery Channel Incorpor

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Kore Flatmo Interview

Up until this point, everyone I have interviewed has been a friend or acquaintance. When I was getting ready to do the Tim Hendricks interview, I spoke with my friend Demian Cane. "Since you're coming down, you should do Flatmo, too." Now I have seen a lot of Kore Flatmo's work and I've always loved it, but I've never so much as even seen a picture of him, let alone had a heart to heart conversation. Demian took matters into his own hands and called him. One phone call later, I was sick to my st

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Machine insanity.

So keeping with the Aaron cain, I have a lot of them I use to bail him out of every bad financial decision he made. Usually he would go on some toy shopping spree right before rent was due. This machine was from when he first started to build machines for sale. i could have gotten a lower number but thought the 13th one would be cool and somebody had dibs on number 7. i have the number 14 of the iron telephone dial from Mickey sharpz and for a moment i thought i would collect machines by num

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

Tim Hendricks Interview Video

Tim Hendricks is a world renowned bad ass. He lives a life most of us could only dream of having, and somehow pulls it off. From pro skateboarder, to surfer, to incredible tattooer, to TV notoriety, he has encompassed all things cool in his life. Tim and I have a good friend in common who's responsible for our introduction, Demian Cane. Demian has a body suit that I believe Tim has redone three times or something absurd like that, Tim finally had to cut him off. His tattoos are like that, they

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

so you can understand

Ok, just so you can understand the sickness of my tattoo machines these are pictures of just the ones at the shop. I still have the machine shop where I build machines. I am going do organize these things I am hoping to build some display cases so I can get them all in one place. So retarded.

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

first shader

So this is one of two of my first shaders. I am not sure which one is the actual first one because I never marked them but they are from the same order one was millers and one was mine then he sold me the other later on. i rebuilt this machine 10 times over the years. i use this one a lot now a days. it is primarily my big mag machine it really pushes and quick. don't dig it with 7 mags sort of turns it all to shag carpet " not really what I'm going for" I had a third frame the in my great

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

first one fucker

I don't know how many of you know me or my history of growing up in tattooing so i will start in the beginning with my first machine. I started tattooing in late 1989 with Aaron Cane he was responsible for me getting my fist job in tattooing. We had gone to school with each other since the 6th grade and he had done my first tattoo on his couch when i was 14?. my second when i was 16. My first job tattooing was working for a guy named miller cotton who didn't know much in the way of art but k

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

some new shit has come light man!

So i am going to start doing a couple of things that I want to invite people to do as well. First I am going to start writing post about when I travel, having two kids and two jobs, tattoos, and machines I don't travel much but when I do it always involves working. Conventions, guest spots , etc., so I am going to write mini articles to sort promote and celebrate the good times we get to have in this business. Secondly I am going to start to post pictures of my machine collection. I have so

Scott Sylvia

Scott Sylvia

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