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Tattoo after care



Is it healthy to have a tattoo done at home?

If you are brave enough to have obturation at home then there is no inconvenience for

you to get a tattoo at home,work, park, beach etc..!

Tattoos that are done by permanent make-up tattoo machines would appear as a normal tattoo?

The quality of these tattoos are in direct proportion with a facial or a hair-cut that your

tattoo artist would give you. If you are willing to receive a facial from your tattoo artist

then you should be comfortable when getting a tattoo by your esthetician.

Can a tattoo be done in a day or is it better if first blacks are drawn then the colors/shadows?

It depends on the size and the complexity of the tattoo you desire. If it is big and complex, it is better to get it done in few sessions.

How old does a person has to be to get a tattoo?

According to the law(in most countries), it is 18. Minors who would like to get tattoos, should have a written permission from their guardians. However, it is inconvenient for a person who hasn’t completed their body development(under age 16) because body will change its shape causing distortion on the tattoo.

Is it dangerous to drink alcohol before getting a tattoo?

Drinking should be avoid 24 hours before getting a tattoo.

Who shouldn’t get tattoos?

People who have epilepsy, hemophilia, diabetes, heart conditions, allergies and any kind of hepatitis carriers should consult their doctor before getting a tattoo.

Is it possible to get a tumefactive tattoo?

Another tattoo myth is tumefactive tattoo. There are two reasons for a tattoo to become swollen. First one would be the wrong choice of needle and uncontrolled oscillation. The other one would be the skin disease called keloid which mostly appears on shoulders, arms and back which causing excess production of cells during healing process causing tattoo to swell.

Is it healthy to get a “glow in the dark” tattoo?

Especially in United Kingdom, tattoo inks that glow under the uv lights has been determined to be causing allergic reactions. These inks are prohibited in USA. When tattooing, only inks that are approved by FDA ( Food and Drug Administration) are used because of US government's conservative approach. These inks are suspensions that contain chemically inorganic pigment, isopropyl alcohol and glycerine. These substances dont compose any threat to human health wether used alone or together.

As one of the great authority figures in tattoo art, Huck Spaulding explained, “the only thing that glows in the dark should be your clock’s face.”

Would tattooing cause allergic reactions?

Inks that are manufactured in Far East, contains iron oxide especially within the colors red-brown(CI77491), yellow(CI77492) and black(CI77499). The usage of these colorants are restricted and they cause allergic reactions. Therefore, American inks should be preferred.

Is it better to apply vaseline on the tattoo?

There is a delusion among people that somehow applying vaseline on the tattoo in the process of healing would make the colors more vibrant. The reason for this delusion is that in developed countries like United Kingdom and United States, antiseptic pomades are subject to prescriptions. Thus, unprofessional tattoo artists suggest vaseline in the countries mentioned above. Of course tattoo artists who claim to be experts advise the use of vaseline thinking that “If Americans are doing, then we should as well”, and they thrust aside the idea of using creams like Bactroban and Bepanthene Plus which speed up the process of cell renewal.

Is it proper to cover the tattoo with a stretch film?

Unfortunately, in some countries some tattoo parlors use stretch film to cover the skin after tattooing. If clinics, hospitals, health centers and pharmacies use stretch films after any kind of fomentation or operations then it is safe to say that it can too be used after tattooing.(!)

Moreover, it is not safe to use stretch film to cover any kind of wound let alone tattoos. Covering the tattoo with a stretch film provides an environment for anaerobic viruses and bacteria to grow rapidly. While tattooing and afterwards for bandaging, sterile compresses should be used. It’s cost to the tattoo studio is around $1. Sadly, I would like to emphasize that tattoo artists who would prefer stretch films instead of compresses priorities the protection of themselves instead of yours. When choosing your tattoo artist and place please don’t prioritize these artists. Let your mother use stretch films for covering food.

How should I take care of my new tattoo? What are things that I should avoid?

Tattoo care: Take off your bandages in 2-5 hours. Put a thin layer of Bactroban cream on after cleaning with a solutions as described by your artists. Apply this method for a week in periods that you are told and avoid contact with water for 24 hours and stay out of the sea and the pool for a week. Protect your tattoo from direct sunlight and solarium for a week. Crusts may appear on the tattoo, don’t peel them off.

Is there a risk of festering microbes and viruses when tattooing?

Over 400 hundred types of viruses have been known since 1950s, around 75 of them can transmit through tattooing. It is not enough to use new and sterile equipments to be protected. Your tattoo artist and his/her studio employees should know about contamination, prophylaxis and DAS Standards and apply these regulations in the workplace.

For instance, if your tattoo artist answers a phone call with gloves that is contaminated with your body fluids and afterwards continues tattooing you without changing his gloves, just think about this:

What if the customer before you were a hepatitis carrier and your sociable tattoo artist answered a phone call without changing his gloves. Then he would be contaminating the phone hence, you would be infected with hepatitis... In normal conditions, if an any open wound comes in contact with blood that is contaminated with hepatitis B virus, within the first six hours your body secretes a plasmatic flow to prevent the virus from entering. However, a virus that is transmitted through a glove to a tattoo while working with the tattoo gun, makes the virus enter the body as the ink pigments do and let the virus become active, making you share the same fate with the previous customer. This is called cross infection. These examples may go on making artists to be ashamed with another example of using the same glove to change inks and settings of the tattoo machine. Therefore, it is very important to find the right tattoo studio. Let’s not forget that needles are for one time use only even in hospitals yet still patients and their relatives are exposed to infections such as MRSA caused by lack of attention.

You can Find More info at Tattoomatic

Tattomatic.com team wishes you to carry your tattoo with confidence for lifelong and appreciate to show your kind interest to tattoo art.

All of the above,we specificly thanks to Red Cat Tatoo Factory and for to their endless contribution to its founder to Mr. Emrah CAKIN , MD.Mr. Altan AKDAG , MD.Mr. Erhan CANKAT , MD.Mr. Fevzi SEN.

Red Cat Tattoo Stdyo


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