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Funny tattoo requests


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About 5 years ago, a girl I know asked me if I would give her a tattoo. I said possibly, whatcha got in mind? She said, "Right here in front, below the bikini line, Im gonna shave one side. And I want a tat of the pink panther pushing a lawn mower". I fell out of the chair laughing. And I declinded doing the work. LOL

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That one had a popular streak some years ago, I've done it several times in a few variations...pink panther, goofy, mickey. Anyone have a clue to the origin? I'm guessing it had found it's way on a flash sheet somewhere along the way.

In the realm of funny below-the-bikini-line tattoos I've had a few "Est. 19__" whatever year come through the door lately. Not sure why you'd want to put a date on it, but I guess some gals do.

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At that time, I did not feel confident to do the work correctly. I had only been out of prison about 3 years, and I didnt have much "coil" experience. As I look back, it probably would have turned out great, but hindsight...... you know. lol. Im glad I didnt, because even though it would have been right, it wouldnt have been as good as what I can do now. So im gald I didnt. Oh, and yeah, I seen it, she had one side ready to go. LOL

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One of the tattoos that I've done that never fails to make me chuckle was actually a piece I did during my apprenticeship. This 45 year old mexican man had come into the shop and browsed through some of the Cherry Creek crap we had in the flash racks. He found a tribal sun that was intended as a lower back tattoo, and he wanted it as a wrist band. Fucking hilarious. This man must have spent every day outside since he knew what the sun was, cause he had something more along the lines of elephant hide for skin. Reminded me a lot of tattooing pig feet, haha. I think his wife ended up getting a grim reaper from our other apprentice. Too funny.

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I've done the classic moustache finger tattoo.. I put an exclamation mark on a middle finger the other day...redundancy lol

My mentor put a chick pushing a lawn mower on the top of a guys bald spot awhile back - that was amusing..but the classic sailor jerry bent-over monkey? He put that on someone with their bellybutton as the monkeys butthole...that was a classy moment in time:P he did an amazing job, and it was what they asked for.lol

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