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A quick search around on the forums here produced nothing so I thought I would start this thread.

Basically let's see all your geek tattoos from fossils to crazy lizards as well as computer games and circuit boards to the tree of life. Anything that could be counted as geeky/nerdy or anything in between. Unashamedly I am a bit of a geek about a few things. Anyone that knows me will tell you how excited I get about rocks and I think it's something to be celebrated. So I will start off by referencing my own ammonite tattoo that I have up in my gallery. Interesting and cool tattoos of any sort are always fun.


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I dig your Deku Scrub Ducky ^.

Awesome thread! Here are three tattoos I have done. One is a Charmander from Poke'mon, one a helmet from the Dark Souls videogame for PS3 and one is a Papou fruit from Kingdom Hearts. I actually look forward to doing more tattoos like these.

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Has anyone else seen that Science Tattoos book? Tons of geeky tattoos in there, nearly all of them are bad though. Some are good ideas executed poorly, some are just straight up bad ideas.

I have a black and grey trilobite tattoo, I suppose that qualifies.

I think you are referring to Carl Zimmer's book from a couple of years ago. I was hoping for better tattoos in it too. Some were ok but I agree - most were not great.

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  • 2 months later...

I am so happy there is a geek thread. :) I just got a tardis tattoo not long ago and I'm trying to decide what else to add to that arm. I'm not sure if I want a DW theme or just scifi. I'm a big Star Trek fan (original & TNG, not the reboot) so maybe the Enterprise? But then I would want to work in Firefly and Alien and my arm isn't that big. lol

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I am so happy there is a geek thread. :) I just got a tardis tattoo not long ago and I'm trying to decide what else to add to that arm. I'm not sure if I want a DW theme or just scifi. I'm a big Star Trek fan (original & TNG, not the reboot) so maybe the Enterprise? But then I would want to work in Firefly and Alien and my arm isn't that big. lol

Ships of sci-fi! Heh. I briefly thought of getting a space scene with the TARDIS, the Battlestar Galactica and Serenity it it...

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  • 2 weeks later...
This totoro tattoo is beautiful:

totoro tattoo by NikaSamarina on deviantART

Though I can't help but think of the LST mantra "needs more black"

Wow - a lot of her stuff is incredible. I have no idea how it will hold up over time as a tattoo, but they sure are nice to look at fresh and new.

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