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Oh man... really sad to hear that. Honestly though, I was expecting to read about how one of the shop employees had raped a customer, and I'm really glad that wasn't the case. Until now, I've kept my political and social views separate from the board as many people would consider them fairly radical and I do not wish to create any animosity, but since this has already been brought up, I'm gonna throw in my two cents.

Being that women make up 51% of the world population, I think it's safe to say that everyone has women in their life that they care about, be it relatives or friends. I fully believe that every single person has a moral obligation to question and deconstruct the reasons why violence against women or further, femininity, happens with little to no repercussion. I'm sure most people, when asked to do so, would say "what are you talking about! I don't think violence against women is acceptable, that's ridiculous!" And surely, I think that most people do feel that way on a superficial level. It's just way more subversive than that. From calling our possessions (cars, power tools, tattoo machines, etc) "she," to Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines retaining consecutive airplay and VMA performance after heavy criticism, to scented tampons, to rape jokes (see video below), and dismissing women's valid emotions and opinions as hormonal craziness, we have a huge problem with dehumanization.

And if anyone who wants to take a little trip back to any world history classes you've taken, I'm sure you'll remember that objectification and dehumanization are age-old tactics for conditioning soldiers to feel no remorse in the midst of combat. I also fully believe that nobody has the power to change any world but their own, so if that article bothers you and if violence against women bothers you, then make an effort to change the way you think about femininity and feminine empowerment.

And fo real, thanks for posting that article.

They're probably going to get away with it.... bleh

I dunno. The girl could easily be recognized by someone. Fingers crossed.

In the meantime, and not to demean your viewpoint (as noted above), why limit your observations to just women? Way too often humans just treat humans (and everything else, too) horribly all across the board.

It certainly is more publicized and outrageous/disgusting when any group preys on a weaker group - and there are plenty of groups who are persecuted, just one of which is women.

I dunno. The girl could easily be recognized by someone. Fingers crossed.

In the meantime, and not to demean your viewpoint (as noted above), why limit your observations to just women? Way too often humans just treat humans (and everything else, too) horribly all across the board.

It certainly is more publicized and outrageous/disgusting when any group preys on a weaker group - and there are plenty of groups who are persecuted, just one of which is women.

I really hope so too, here's to quality profiling.

Son, I know you did not just call women the weaker sex ;)

But yeah, people are shitty to each other, to the planet, to animals, to themselves, to their loved ones, to basically everything. I fully believe that our conditioning in regards to entitlement and disposability is to blame. I struggle a lot with my feelings of helplessness in regards to how humanity is systematically destroying all life known to us, and then I come back to my previous sentiment on how nobody can really change anything or anyone but themselves. So there it is.

And also, in regards to specifically talking about women, rape is largely a crime committed against women. Although, rape of men does happen and is talked about even less, which I find to be really disturbing. I think a lot of that goes back to how western culture treats femininity and vulnerability, which are traits innate to everyone and largely viewed as undesirable in men. Like think about how many times in your life you have been told to "man up." Like what does that even mean, tangibly? It serves no other purpose than to belittle and silence someone.

My mom talks about being a humanist instead of a feminist and it bothers me. Not because I think that being a feminist is better, but because I think that to try to tackle a broad spectrum of problems before addressing smaller disenfranchised groups can overshadow very real and demographic-specific problems. Anyway, I hope that answered your question. Thanks for contributing to this discussion, I think it's a really important one to have and is not had often enough.

I really hope so too, here's to quality profiling.

Son, I know you did not just call women the weaker sex ;)

But yeah, people are shitty to each other, to the planet, to animals, to themselves, to their loved ones, to basically everything. I fully believe that our conditioning in regards to entitlement and disposability is to blame. I struggle a lot with my feelings of helplessness in regards to how humanity is systematically destroying all life known to us, and then I come back to my previous sentiment on how nobody can really change anything or anyone but themselves. So there it is.

And also, in regards to specifically talking about women, rape is largely a crime committed against women. Although, rape of men does happen and is talked about even less, which I find to be really disturbing. I think a lot of that goes back to how western culture treats femininity and vulnerability, which are traits innate to everyone and largely viewed as undesirable in men. Like think about how many times in your life you have been told to "man up." Like what does that even mean, tangibly? It serves no other purpose than to belittle and silence someone.

My mom talks about being a humanist instead of a feminist and it bothers me. Not because I think that being a feminist is better, but because I think that to try to tackle a broad spectrum of problems before addressing smaller disenfranchised groups can overshadow very real and demographic-specific problems. Anyway, I hope that answered your question. Thanks for contributing to this discussion, I think it's a really important one to have and is not had often enough.

Well said.

Son, I know you did not just call women the weaker sex ;)

Ha! Certainly not - overall. Generally in respect to physicality - often, especially when regarding rape.

My mom talks about being a humanist instead of a feminist and it bothers me. Not because I think that being a feminist is better, but because I think that to try to tackle a broad spectrum of problems before addressing smaller disenfranchised groups can overshadow very real and demographic-specific problems.

Actually, I'm sympathetic with both your and your Mom's views, but I'm more in line with her strategy of "broad spectrum" solution. Healing human nature can and should be tackled from all angles - but I'm more inclined to believe that raising a new generation of humanists who think and act ideally will enable mankind to evolve into something respectable much faster than trying to chip away at restoring what's already broken, ingrained and imbedded in our current foundation.

Well there. Solved the world's problems this afternoon. Guess I'll go and find a cold beer to celebrate :p

on a similar note I watched prisoners last weekend, and have been thinking about this often over past week helps cement my sentiment that people generally suck.

side note that dark haired woman from @cltattooing video in the waitress uniform is gorgeous

@Mark Bee Cheers, thanks :)

@SStu Idealism is for propaganda :p I get what you're saying though, and respectfully disagree. I don't think that it's possible to undo damaging thought patterns without taking a hard look at the specifics. If we build a new house upon a broken foundation, then the house is bound to crumble.

Anyway, enough social theory for me. Cheers, y'all!

Bed-Stuy isn't that bad at all, that is unless you think anywhere that is predominately African American is a "tough neighborhood." Mostly working class folks.

Thank you. I get the same reactions when I tell people where I live (and work) in Jersey City.

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