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Hey everyone!  I'm Julian, 24 years old from Argentina, but raised in the sunshine state of Florida. I've been loving tattoos for as long as I could remember, so I thought it'd be great to be a part of this great community.  My love for tattoo started due to me being part of the punk/skateboarding culture growing up, so seeing all these designs on people's bodies inspired to wanna do the same.  My first tattoo was in 2015, a phoenix with an eye on top of it.  The phoenix represented me rising from the ashes, or in other words depression.  The eye comes from the show Aeon Flux.  So far, I have both halves of my arms filled (well, almost), and I'm really happy with the way they came out, but I'd like to hear suggestions from the people here on how I can improve their designs.


I'm not too happy with the color of the phoenix, as I feel its way too light colored compared to the rose that's underneath it.  What color would you guys suggest?  I ask this since I plan on recoloring it pretty soon.  Also, in the arm that has a tattoo, there's a pretty big space where the birds are flying.  What do you suggest I put to kinda fill the cover.  Sorry, if I'm not clear on it, it's hard to explain.









Edited by jgoxy92x
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