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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2014 in all areas

  1. i have a theory that some of the new users are really just @Pugilist in disguise posting about endless text/no outline/watercolor tattoos just to push @Graeme 's buttons. and then he angrily scrubs the dishes and cleans the house.
    7 points
  2. ian

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Andre is the man, that piece is UNREAL!! I had a session with Grime yesterday, Andre hung out most of the day and I FINALLY took delivery of the 2 watercolor paintings I bought from him. He's a bad ass tatooer, expect big things from that man in the future, between his own amazing style and whatever the Skull and Sword guys do to influence his style he''''s going to be killing it. If Grime wasn't doing my back, Andre would be. No question.
    6 points
  3. Manatee jumping over the moon was a go-to that I pointed out any time some clueless person walks up to the counter and says "what should I get?". No takers.
    5 points
  4. Dolphin. Sunglasses. Guitar. Mohawk. You know what I'm talking about. But then Ugly Tom Michael had to go and do this...
    5 points
  5. @Tesseracts This is my leg. Arrows are tough.
    5 points
  6. For what it's worth I feel no animosity towards panthers. My thought process when thusly: "What's the toughest thing I could possibly get, so everyone can see how nails I am?" "I know, A Panther" "Wait, with a fucking dagger through it" and then that turned out to be too much tough for me to handle, so there's a butterfly as well: Seriously though, it looks cool. What more reason would you like?
    5 points
  7. scubaron

    LST Animal Lovers

    Yeah, don't know why tattoos with meaning gets so much heat. Maybe I am too new. In addition to quality, I want to have some kind of connection.
    4 points
  8. Dude, it's not cool to out the kinkier aspects of our marriage to the entire internet...
    4 points
  9. irezumi

    New to Forum

    To be honest I think the whole fake-hair tattoo is super goofy, but then again I'm not the one losing hair. @hogg are you gonna start getting fake hair tats?
    3 points
  10. Doubtful... this is on a sheet of super goofy designs including things like a watermelon dirigible.
    3 points
  11. A guy who tattoos in a local street shop was telling me about flash they have of a manatee with a big cock. Nobody has ever gotten it, kind of surprising given the neighborhood really, but you can't account for taste. I wonder if there's any relation to the manatee jumping over the moon design.
    3 points
  12. I'm a devoted user of their aerosol 60 SPF - - - Updated - - - Yes he is - ask @Mark Bee about dragging me around NYC in 40C - ugh. I barely survived the summers in Japan. I grew up in the desert - give me the dry heat any day. @irezumi I lived in Japan and spent quite a bit of time in Malaysia so I can back up that Toronto is officially evil humid in the summer - not quite Louisiana but significantly evil.
    3 points
  13. Well every answer so far makes perfect sense. How could I have been so blind!
    3 points
  14. There's a reason we come back to dragons, panthers and the like. They're timeless, and well..just fuckin cool. Just done a quick count of 9 dragons, but not 1 panther. Thanks guys. Panthers head to be slammed back of neck next tattoo! - - - Updated - - - Fkn how cool. Just texted tattooer about slamming panther head back of neck. Locked in for next week. Fuck this forums awesome.
    3 points
  15. SeeSea

    LST Animal Lovers

    @Zillah - sorry to hear! I don't know about rabbits, but I give one of my older cats 1/4 Pepcid to help her appetite. We did that with a dog as well - maybe your vet might think this could help? Molly the cat is also losing her sense of smell, so I warm her food and she "finds" it more easily. - - - Updated - - - I know, like, RIGHT?!? I mean, seriously, I don't know why we can't express the inner meaning, like, because it's what I'm really FEELING, you know? I have the word "believe" in Comic Sans on my side in 2 inch letters. I need to be able to see it in the mirror every morning and night, so I remember to believe in myself, because every day the world just wants to tear me down, and it's really hard, you know, to just turn away from the HATERS who just have to hate, so if no one else will, I have to believe in myself, you know? I don't know why no one here likes letters, I mean, that means you can READ it, right? Otherwise, how would I know that a rose would mean for me to believe in myself? although a rose is very beautiful, but could mean other things. I want people to know that I believe in myself and I am strong enough to show the world that. I also have each letter in a slightly different color, to represent a rainbow, because every day is different, with different challenges, so every day I may have to feel differently to truly believe in myself, otherwise it might not feel real to me, you know? But since all the letters are outlined in really solid black, I don't think anyone here could really be that much upset about it, I mean, like, really?
    3 points
  16. The sun isn't going to devour itself!
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. If I didn't think most newbies would take it seriously and/or offensive, we should have an "Ask @Graeme" thread where you propose your new age idea, and he comes up with a badass traditional alternative.
    3 points
  19. It's how we used to kill panthers and gorillas.. before the internet RUINED TATTOOING.
    3 points
  20. it is a sexual thing. the dagger symbolizes a penis. i have a dagger stabbing through a skull and eagle because i love skulls and i fuckin love america.
    3 points
  21. Just because you got something stabbing through your head doesn't mean that you're having a bad time
    3 points
  22. I just saw a post from Grime saying that Andre Malcolm is moving to Skull and Sword. I never heard of the guy, so I check out his Instagram... all back pieces. This one is intense. I bet it takes someone to be very strong in character to get this on their back.
    3 points
  23. hogg

    New to Forum

    I already look too awesome as a bald man. To quote Holden Caulfield, "He was one of those bald guys that comb all their hair over from the side to cover up the baldness. I'd rather be bald than do that."
    2 points
  24. I read that. I just remembered that there's a Transformer that's a panther/car. Now I'm stuck with a terrible 80s tattoo in my mind. As you were.
    2 points
  25. No matter what you want you should instead get two animals fighting. Unless you want three animals fighting.
    2 points
  26. Find the best artist you can and get a dragon fighting a lion as a full torso piece.
    2 points
  27. Because it's rad, that's why.
    2 points
  28. Because the easiest way to make a tattoo tougher is to put a dagger in it!
    2 points
  29. Just got back from a three-day silent Buddhist meditation retreat with Noah Levine and Against the Stream in Joshua Tree. Hard to be away from @TrixieFaux and the little one, but it was beautiful and challenging and (hopefully) life-changing. There was a lot of high-quality tattooage on display -- I call them Tatuddhists -- but of course I couldn't ask anyone, "Where'd you get your work?" Noah himself is pretty much covered with work from @Scott Sylvia and I think @Juan Puente, Eddy Deutsche and some other dudes. Funny how I kind of stumbled upon ATS. 1) At a kids' birthday party, a friend introduced @TrixieFaux to this other mom and was like, "You have tattoos, she has tattoos, you guys should be friends!" As if -- but it turned out she was pretty cool and also Noah's wife. 2) A few days later, we went to a Jondix art show here in L.A. (where we met @ian among others) that just happened to be at the center. I don't believe in all that hippie shit but for sure the universe was trying to tell me something. Anyway if you happen to be in SoCal check 'em out Against The Stream Buddhist Meditation Society but they're also opening one in San Fran and in NYC there's Dharma Punx which I plan to check out when I'm there next month.
    2 points
  30. Since Horitomo posted my arms on Instagram I thought I should share them here. All shading is done. Next session color begins!
    2 points
  31. Dennis

    Full Back Piece Thread

    Andre is the man! This in-progress piece by Filip on Ching from East Tattoo is killer!
    2 points
  32. Wilhell

    Full Back Piece Thread

    I can see the end, possibly one sitting left. As you may see in the dragons belly, my body doesn´t like the the powder blue pigment Marius used in it, so his going to blast over with the same blue color that he used in the sword.
    2 points
  33. Seldomwright

    New guy intro

    Hi guys, I'm new here. Chris from Oakland, via SF, via NC. Not at tattooer, but an illustrator for SF Bay area skate industry(DLX) for going on thirteen years now. 40 year old punk with a four year old prince. Stoked on the site. Watched every one of the interview videos. Both enlightening and entertaining. Figured I'd chip in and join the fun, say hello and see what's up. Very interested in tattoos and the art of tattooing. I've tried, it's beyond humbling. Stoked on getting tattooed soon. Anyway... Hi.
    1 point
  34. My hairdresser always asks to see the progress on my back every time I go in for a haircut. :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. Thanks ! I'll check. And honiesly I gotta say I'm surprised by how much life is in this forum. I was expecting a response or two after a day not 4 pages in 24 hours lol
    1 point
  36. Nice! Thanks for the reference. Time to order some stuff online.
    1 point
  37. Yeah, I could see that! @irezumi made the suggestion in another thread about a guy wanting a picture of a car wreck because he survived a bad accident. And of course, his request for ideas quickly disintegrated into panthers, dragons, etc.
    1 point
  38. More beer tonight, from a freebie "Comic Book Day" glass. It's Fuller's ESB. Next up I'm going to join the filking circle at the LARP convention. Love that beer, incidentally...it makes me sad when people assume Australian beer = Foster's
    1 point
  39. I always saw it in 2 ways. 1- You wanted a cool knife AND an animal so jam them together. 2- The more "BS-Filled" meaning I've heard is it's signifigant of defeating or overcoming something difficult. But really just that ^^^^^. I have a Gorilla getting stabbed. It's pissed about it too. Rad as fuck.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. Because it's a diatribe railing against the butter industry. We must use knives only for meat, not soft and salty pats of fermented milk.
    1 point
  42. My tattoo for this month. That's four for four. Got this from Wan (instagram: wan_tattooer) during his visit at Idle Hand SF. Took the pic from his IG also.
    1 point
  43. Thanks everyone! Nope, I don't think I'm going to get any for a while, need to save some money. I have a bunch of ideas though.
    1 point
  44. Spiced beers. Interesting. Nice Wonder Woman cup. I got a Superman mug. We could play drunken super heroes ;) This South Australian beer is superb.
    1 point
  45. Actually wrote today, which turned out well. Just a couple really short pieces, but still writing.
    1 point
  46. Bardun

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    I was lucky to catch this angry panther on my inner bicep from Tony Hundahl when he visited Oslo last week :D
    1 point
  47. guitguy

    LST Animal Lovers

    Have been enjoying this thread and while I have no new tattoos to show off, I do have a new cat :) Eva is a little over a year old and has been with me for a few months now. She owned the place within a couple of weeks, of course. I got her from a friend who could no longer keep her. I had lived with cats before but never had one that was my own. I had been thinking semi-seriously for a while about getting one and decided to save this little girl from an uncertain future. Aside from being cute as hell, she came with skills too. She is the queen of the tinfoil ball and actually fetches ! Not unheard of, I know but, it's cool ! Makes my job so much easier ha ha ......
    1 point
  48. MikeL

    Full Back Piece Thread

    @Cork that blue is looking insane! Congrats. Got a call on Friday from the shop and Rodrigo had a cancellation on Sunday...so I jumped on it. This was my first true session of color since my arms, chest, and background we have only used black or red. Today was mostly red & old olive green. Wife grab a few pics when she took off the bandages...kind of beat up & bloody though. Try to get some up pics up in a few days. Mike
    1 point
  49. Dahveed


    1 point
  50. hogg

    Jonathan Shaw

    Well, at least I'm not the first to say it. Good GOD, his tattoos were fugly, but I loved that magazine. Yes, I found his famewhoring annoying (he was almost like an early version of Kat in that way), but at the same time, those mags had several pieces in every single issue that made me stop and stare. The same cannot be said for many mags today, so yeah...begrudging props.
    1 point
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