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  1. Look at the bank account or ask my wife.
    3 points
  2. Dan

    Latest tattoo lowdown.....

    you don't ,just give into it
    2 points
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyle_Tuttle
    1 point
  4. I know I am late with this post, but I wrote my own thoughts about Lyle back when he passed away, but never got around to posting them. I think it is fair to say that Lyle Tuttle was absolutely the pivotal character in bringing tattooing to a wider population. I believe there is a direct unbroken line between Tuttle tattooing Janis Joplin in 1970, and the popularity and mainstreaming of tattooing that we see today. The fact that this website exists, where people of all backgrounds are sharing their enthusiasm about tattooing is a testament to the movement that Tuttle set in motion. I was 18 when I read about Tuttle tattooing Joplin in Rolling Stone. It stoked my interest in tattooing, and I have followed it closely ever since. My girlfriend (now wife) and I – two good, normal clean scrubbed middle class kids – got tattoos a couple of years later because Tuttle made it seem accessible and appealing. Tuttle’s tattooing of Joplin generated interest by newspapers and magazines, probably in part because a woman getting a tattoo was something virtually unheard-of at that time, so articles exploiting that angle attracted readers. Nevertheless, Tuttle was quoted or referred to in almost every single one of those articles, and amazingly became the subject of a feature in in a 1972 issue of Life magazine, the most popular family publication in America at the time. He was quotable, said things in a humorous way. He was just outrageous enough to be interesting, but cleaned-up enough to be suitable for mainstream consumption. He was a character. I have read that Tuttle was somewhat controversial among some old time tattooers, some of whom viewed him as a shameless self-promoter, and resented the popularity of tattooing that he fueled, feeling that it ruined tattooing, taking away its outlaw cachet. That is a topic for another discussion, but suffice to say that Tuttle was the straw that stirred the drink. I have often wondered if the popularity of tattooing would have grown as it has – or would have grown at all – if another artist had tattooed Janis Joplin. I can easily imagine a different, more crusty tattooer at that time being interviewed after tattooing her, and saying something like, “F_ck ‘em. They want a tattoo, so I give it to them, and they pay me. Chicks, guys, I don’t care. Just so they pay me. But all these goddam hippie chicks really have no f_cking business getting tattooed. They don’t know what tattooing is about.” His quote might have made it into Rolling Stone, but would have done little to make a more conventional clientele feel good about tattooing. I doubt that he would have been widely quoted in other magazines and newspapers, and he certainly would have never made it into Life magazine. He probably would have done nothing to promote the industry to a new clientele. He would have reinforced the same decades-old perceptions of tattooing as a gritty, outsider practice carried out by outlaws on outlaws. in a sense Tuttle was precisely the right guy, in the right place, at the right time. Part showman, part salesman, part promoter. He had one foot firmly in the traditions of tattooing, and the other in the counterculture that evolved in the 1960s and 70s. I suspect that many of us on these forums would have never gotten tattooed were it not for the wheels that Tuttle set in motion nearly fifty years ago, and the tattoo landscape of today would been much different without him.
    1 point
  5. Just gotta find the shops that accept credit cards 😎 that's the spirit. time to look into some cheap flash that i'll regret in a few years. Jokes aside, the urge is killing me. Tons of people around me have dope tattoos and I just want more and more haha.
    1 point
  6. The problem with a "lines only" tattoo is that's all your eye has to focus on so you're more likely to notice flaws. If there was shading or color you'd be much less likely to notice shaky lines. If you look closely at some outstanding black and gray or color tattoos by really good artists, you'll probably see some shaky lines. They're just a much smaller part of the whole piece.
    1 point
  7. Thats what I'd call a perfect advice. Really appreciated!
    1 point
  8. daisydont

    Infected tattoo care?

    I'm relieved that I'm not the only one thats had this. If you don't mind my asking, how long did it take yours to fully heal?
    1 point
  9. bongsau

    Enjoying Tattoos ?

    I want to feel ALL of that tattoo. The best. The worst. The excitement. The vulnerability. The fear. The anxiety. The confidence. The strength. The power. I have found a lot of peace and healing through the pain. Some people don't get that and can't. Some of you will no exactly what I'm talking about. Embrace that shit.
    1 point
  10. I have friends who talk about how they want their sleeves and tattoos, but don't want any part of the pain. -- I don't get that. Never have, never will. The pain is part of the tattoo process. Suck it up or embrace it. If you skip the pain, you're missing out on a major part of the tattoo experience in my opinion. The pain is temporary, the tattoo is permanent....well, i don't even know about that. Life is temporary.
    1 point
  11. The tributes have been amazing.
    1 point
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