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  1. it's a cool tattoo, and I don't give a F*** what other people say or think about my tattoos. if somebody wants to talk about tattoos,then I like to do that,if nobody says anything about my tattoos,then that's fine too.
    3 points
  2. Did you get it for yourself or for other people? Doesn't matter what anyone thinks. It's a nice tattoo. Enjoy it and get more tattoos.
    2 points
  3. In my mind you've already got the acceptable limit = "inspiration". If you take that picture some a willing tattooist and say "I want this EXACTLY as this is" and they trace it out then it's just reproduced artwork, like a cartoon character. If you take that picture to a qualified artist and say I'd like a goat's head and raven similar to this then you're likely to get an original piece of art.
    2 points
  4. Not real familiar with WI but Solid State in Milwaukee looks decent. Also lots of world class options in Chicago and a couple in Minneapolis, too.
    2 points
  5. I like your tattoo a lot! And what a cool and original idea to go with your childhood home! I at least haven't heard of that idea before, so I really like it. I always like me some original and creative ideas. 🙂 As for your question, I've worked as a supervisor in retail for 7 years and therefore had to deal with customers a lot. The moment I got my first forearm tattoo, I got a LOT of customers asking about it. They all told me they really liked it, and one even told me she wanted to get one exactly like mine, and I even had older customers who were super grumpy about tattoos be like "I do like yours" LOL. Then I got another forearm tattoo, though higher up on my forearm, on my right arm and I never once had any customer or even colleague ask about that one. I love that tattoo just as much as the other if not more, and, like @Dan, I'm completely fine with that too. I know this tattoo looks good and professional; and that it fits me well, and I don't really need anyone else validating that because what really matters is what I think when I see it, and I like it. Frankly, the sheer amount of comments I got about my first tattoo kind of daunted me. Of course, I knew what I was getting into when I got it tattooed so I never resented anyone for asking about it either, but when you get comments like "but what does it REALLY mean?" "what is the deeper meaning behind it???" daily, it does get old pretty quick. 😅
    1 point
  6. I think it looks nice and it means a lot to you. I can understand the uneasiness you feel because people don't bring it up in conversation like "Oh wow, that's new! When did you get that? What does it mean?" etc...But like others have said it was for you and only you. F*** everybody else. And to be honest, I haven't really asked too many people about their own tattoos. One time when I did it turned out to be a sore subject. My neighbor regrets his tattoo and encouraged me to NEVER get ink done. It's too permanent. Lol When I got my freshest tattoo I posted it on Facebook and got all sorts of comments, but in real life not so much. Particularly with my own immediate family where tattoos are generally frowned upon. Meh. It was difficult to swallow at first (because I think we all want to be accepted) but when it gets right down to it the ink is something personal. As long as you like it, that's all that should matter. I think it's too easy to get trapped into thinking others need to be impressed, especially if you're prone to social anxiety. *cough* me *cough* Lol
    1 point
  7. The sun isn't going to cause an infection, but as @Gingerninja says, if you've got unusual pain and/or localized heat you should see a doctor.
    1 point
  8. I don't even think it is a good film about a rock band. it's soooooo bad.
    1 point
  9. @Kassan0va If your tattoo is red and painful, go see a doctor!
    1 point
  10. Same here. I felt bad because I thought it portrayed Freddie in too far a negative light (granted he wasn't a saint). They made it like it was him vs the band. In reality, all four of them were, as Freddie once put it, "four cocks fighting." And two years of not touring because Freddie went solo? Bullshit. Even when Freddie went solo he was still working with the band, and even Roger came to help his "friend" with the solo work. I could go on and on with my disappointment. These comments are only the tip of the iceberg. I really wanted a film that represented why the band means so much to so many people (and a little truth wouldn't hurt!). Instead, we got the exact opposite.
    1 point
  11. Carmelita

    Anxiety ridden canvases

    As you might remember my story about almost 2 years ago and I want to thank you guys again for how much you've been uplifting me with your honesty and your words. This post tattoo anxiety seems a very common thing. It hit me as well even though I was planning on getting a big one for many years. Many people have contacted me and having those feelings seems to be a very common thing, there seems to be the same pattern that people are going through. It looks to me that nowadays people want to have a solution for everything immediately if they don't feel comfortable with something. People don't know how to be patient anymore and get rid of something if they don't like it. People compare themselves way too much with others as it's what social media does with many people's minds. There are quite a few reasons that I could write about regarding post tattoo anxiety and I was thinking about posting my experience here as so many people have been reaching out to me and I can see there seems to be a common psychological process (I just don't really have the time to write things down in detail) Anyway: I can assure to everyone with this anxiety: YOU WILL GET OVER IT and live will go on. It might take some time but you will get there. Don't be hard on yourself and even if right now you're having panic attacks (which is a horrible feeling), it'll get less and you'll come to love your tattoo. It's a change you've done to your body and now your mind needs some time to adjust. Don't forget that you love tattoos and why you love them because this is hopefully the reason why you decided to get them.
    1 point
  12. I have a neo traditional Freddie Mercury portrait on my left calf - still fresh in the pic pinched from the artist's instagram. And my left arm is a collection of random tattoos that no one else would associate with music, but for me each is a representation of a favourite song of mine (so far they are all Queen songs...).
    1 point
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