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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2020 in all areas

  1. cyoonit123

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Just got this done by Matt Truiano in NYC!
    3 points
  2. Gingerninja

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Garver to continue on my arm and Rubendall to finally finish my leg! I had appointments in April for both then you know, the Corona. I am a little twitchy about flying to NYC for Garver, TBH. I plan to drive to LI for Mike.
    2 points
  3. UPDATE: Solved. Turns out my tat was darkening in places because my skin as a whole was having a mild allergic reaction to the ointment that the artist recommended and have now switched creams. I will leave this here in case it helps anyone with a similar issue. Hi everyone, I got a floral tat on my arm exactly a week ago. (The little turtle in the middle has been there for a few years, the flowers around it are new.) Fresh out of the chair the shading was light and perfect. But three days later I noticed the three flowers closer to my elbow were getting darker - specifically that the shading was getting darker. The flowers closer to my wrist are not so bad. A week on now and the dark shading in the petals seems to have gotten slightly darker still. Is this normal? Could it be a subtle form of blow out? I really liked the lighter shading and I feel like it is now too dark, I'm hoping after everything has peeled it will look lighter again. Photos attached I know we won't fully know what it looks like until it's healed in 4-6 weeks but any help in the meantime would be hugely appreciated, especially if anyone thinks this is blow out or has similar experience with shading that seemed to get darker instead of lighter Ps I'm in Sydney Australia where covid restrictions have lifted for tattoo parlours
    1 point
  4. Gingerninja

    Upcoming Tattoos

    Back in the chair on 8/5 and 9/5!!
    1 point
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