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Posts posted by tywalters

  1. Part of me wants to jump in and automatically say that i'd find a new artist (not to say that I wouldn't) but that area of the body can be pretty hard to get used to tattooing from my understanding. My wife has two hand tattoos. Line work wasn't difficult for the artist to get down, but getting the color to stick was. But based off the line work and such alone for these, I would probably start searching around for a new artist, myself. I like the ideas, though.

  2. Hi. I'm Tyler. I'm 20 and I work in Information Technology for a healthcare company. I have two tattoos. "Believe" on my wrist, and a half sleeve in progress.

    Half sleeve pictures:

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    imgur: the simple image sharer

    My main reason for searching out this thread/creating an account was for advice on how to A.) Finish wrapping the half sleeve around since the backside is blocked off as it is. And B.) How to possibly continue going down my arm for a three-quarter or even full sleeve in the future.

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