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Everything posted by zetroc

  1. Jen Lee does really nice floral tattoos. https://www.instagram.com/jenleetattoo/?hl=en
  2. Chris O'Donnell did a #dronereveal last week - next level! Holding out hope for #catreveal.
  3. Quite honestly. try living with it as is for 6 months and then come back to the subject. You might find that what bothered you no longer matters. Then get a panther somewhere else.
  4. I like this season's format a lot more than the Rivals/Mentors/Apprentices thing they were doing for a while. The additional drama was just stupid.
  5. The guy at work who swears it's infected is an idiot. It's fine.
  6. Wow, that's incredible. Can't wait to see that one finished!
  7. Get a big cosmic outer space scene. Space is awesome, and nothing says "science is great" like stars and galaxies and shit.
  8. Your arm will be fine. Post pics after it's done.
  9. zetroc

    New Here

    Get a wristband with that saying embroidered into it. Or have a belt buckle made. Or a pendant. Or something else that isn't a tattoo of it. You can send me $50 in five years as a thank you gift.
  10. Nah, just get the griffin by itself and consider the manticore for a separate one.
  11. I'm sure your artist will add shading where appropriate. Make sure you post photos after it's done, that should be really nice.
  12. Tomorrow at Black Heart (Tuesday 5/24) Scott Sylvia is taking walkins (flash only) to benefit one of their employees who's doing the AIDS Lifecycle ride. instagram link
  13. Yeah! I spent a few hours with Ron in April but we aren't done yet. Don't wanna steal his thunder so I'm holding off on photos until it's finished, but I'm very excited. That looks great!
  14. Hi, First off - welcome. Glad you found this place. It's a great resource. Second - This isn't the thread for your post. Make a post in the Initiation section and introduce yourselves. Third - this is not a good idea. If you want something and can't afford it, find a way to earn money until you can. Get a job. Sell your extra possessions. Recycle aluminum cans. But don't start an e-panhandling page and join a forum for the express purpose of getting complete strangers to pay for your tattoo. This plan of yours makes so little sense it's hard for me to understand how you thought it would be a good idea. Delete your begging page and start reading. Again, welcome.
  15. Welcome! Your plans sound awesome! I'm super jealous. Make sure you post photos and keep us updated!
  16. Aaron Hodges is so damn talented. Everyone at Spider Murphy's is so damn talented. Very nice!
  17. Got this panther/rose from Juan Puente a few weeks ago. photo by Juan that day.
  18. zetroc

    Panther Rose

    Juan Puente
  19. Maybe the contest could run every so often, once there are a certain number of entries, which are then revealed all at once. I like the idea of not posting the artist's name until afterwards.
  20. Good for you for letting your friend practice on you, but that's a keeper or a laser candidate.
  21. Got one mid December and saving up for a trip back East, but the itch is real. Next appointment is in April.
  22. zetroc

    Who: Crafty

    USMC bulldog, or eagle/globe/anchor. Traditional is definitely the way to go imo.
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