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SF Dave

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Posts posted by SF Dave

  1. those Pryor and Sheen portraits are hilarious, and i think the traditional tattoo style they were done in is much more fitting. i dont think they would convey nearly as much humor if they were done in realistic black and grey. that's one of the things i love about the traditional aesthetic, it has the ability to add a unique dimension to all kinds of imagery.

    actually there is a portrait i would like to eventually get in the traditional tattoo style, but im not sure which artist to go to for that because i dont really see any artists show those kind of tattoos in their public portfolios. or maybe im just looking in the wrong places. anyone have recommendations in the SF Bay Area?

  2. i'm an accountant and everyday i wear long sleeve button-up shirts to work to keep my arms covered. i am not sure if there is a tattoo policy here but i dont need to know. i'm not interested in showing my tattoos at work anyway, i'm totally ok with keeping them covered without needing to be asked. if i wanted to "be noticed" or "express" myself in the office, i'll just do that by trying to do a great job at work.

  3. i'm not a tattoo artist, but i'd like to add some thoughts from the perspective of a "collector". when an artists says no, maybe the artist is just looking out for the client's privacy. because it's not just the tattooer's art, but it's also someone's tattoo which oftentimes can be very personal. the photographer might not know the "meaning" behind someone's tattoo (nor would magazine readers), but the artist will and if it is that personal, the artist might just want to be respectful to his client.

    maybe it's just me, but i wouldnt want to be photographed simply because i just dont want to show off my tattoos in a magazine, that's not my style. i got them to fulfill a personal desire and they might have a personal meaning. so not to sound selfish, but i got them for myself and i feel they aren't really meant for the world to see, if you know what i mean. in other words, showing off the tattoos was never in my intentions when i got the tattoos done in the first place. thats a big reason why i got them done on areas that can be mostly covered. if a friend wanted to see i have absolutely no problem showing because my friends know and understand me, so thats different. but like i said, that's just me. everyone's different. maybe when/if i get more visible tattoos in the future, my opinion on those might be different.

  4. the morning of the tattoo, i'll go to the market and buy a nice steak (preferably a porterhouse) and some good beer, a chocolate or energy bar and mints, and a bottle of water or gatorade.

    dry marinade the steak and throw it in the fridge, have a balanced lunch a hour or two before the appointment, and roll up a couple of J's. then i'll drive to the tattoo shop and have this overwhelming weird restless/excitement/nervous feeling the whole ride there.

    mints, chocolate, and gatorade during.

    afterwards, go home and throw the steak on the charcoal grill and have a ice cold beer. followed by a J or two. take it easy the rest of the day and wash off the tattoo before i go to sleep.

  5. Not gonna lie, i got legit chills at the beginning of the video. you know, when you see Grime studying his client's back while we hear that mysterious bell chime music, and then listening to Civ's comments about Grime overcoming his personal obstacle by "crushing everyone in tattooing", and then the music changes and that "Tattoo Age: Grime" title appeared, i swear, haven't felt chills like that in a while.

  6. i've read through this thread, as well as other sources, most offer similar but slightly different advice, and i understand there is no single "best" way, but i still have questions about washing a new tattoo..

    1. how many days (or until what point) should i be washing a new tattoo with unscented antibacterial soap? after that period, do i need to switch to a different kind of soap or stop using soap? i ask this because i wasn't sure if antibacterial soaps have properties that should be avoided after a certain point in the healing stage (just like how one should stop using Aquaphor and switch to a mild lotion after 3-4 days)

    2. it's often recommended to wash the tattoo couple times a day the first few days. should soap be used every time? after those first few days, do i still need to wash the tattoo with soap multiple times a day? i wasn't sure if that will irritate or over-dry the skin

    3. when can i start using body lotion with SPF on a new tattoo? only after it's fully healed?

    i know these sound like really easy dumb questions, my bad. but i would really appreciate hearing thoughts from anyone because you are all more experienced than me. thanks

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