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Blog Comments posted by gougetheeyes

  1. More of this! Matt, I follow you on instagram, too -- along with your parents -- and I'm consistently amazed at the world you've come up in, like you said, what's surrounded you since birth. Between the DeVita episode and your burst of positivity, I can feel the good vibes radiating all over the place. Glad ya posted this!

  2. This dude sounds like an idiot, and I'm sure he's a nice person, and I'm sure I'd craft a better response if I didn't just come off a 12 hr. shift at the bar. I'd have to read it again but I did see it as a bit more ambiguous than the movie made it; I thought the movie made it very hopeful. The Road was a beautiful story and the father and son relationship was so stunning to me because it could be so stark and serious, but so deep and strong. The "shifty eye look" I'd take to mean the man is unsure of whether they can actually provide the right care to get him (and all of them) along in the future.. more uncomfortable than sneaky.

    Man, this blogger dude really sounds like a 12 year old. Good thing he is "a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG)" with "a strong interest in Theoretical Physics, especially quantum physics." And is also a "Huge movie buff, a bit of a foodie and a travel addict."

    I apologize, I'm half drunk and half cranky and it bugs me when people write in CAPS to stress POINTS they've not thought more than TWO SECONDS about before "PUBLISHING" online.

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