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Johnny Doe

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  1. I think this might be in your area johnny. Colorfast Studios Expert Tattoo and Body Piercing - Home Page
  2. I see your dapper rabbit and raise you this smart shark Jeremy Sutton
  3. Joel Madberg First dagger tattoo I've actually really really liked. If anyone has seen anything similar, please, post it.
  4. You shut up! You shut up right now and let me be right! lol touché ol' chap.
  5. I believe the apostrophe between the O and the D makes that a contraction, so it's not spelled incorrectly. We're all comedians agagagagagaga....
  6. They aren't discriminating to dismiss someone off as a criminal or a degenerate, they're doing it to judge the persons level of commitment to their craft. Being regarded as a criminal or a freak in society has severe negative connotations, being regarded as someone who doesn't love his craft ...eh not so much.
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