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  1. My routine is something like this: Remove bandage once I get home or before going to bed at night. Wash and clean the gunk in hot shower with soap that I use everyday (usually it's the plain Dove). Dry up gently with clean towel. Let it dry for a while and use a thin layer of ointment (I use Polysporin). Then the next morning I do the same thing. Wash it again at night but without the ointment. Usually the next day or so it starts to flake, so then I'll use a fragrance free lotion (Aveeno seems to work fine for me) to make the tattoo not dry up too much after I get out of the shower. Same process until it's all healed up (usually takes me a week or so and it's pretty much healed). I've had tattoos by three different tattooers now and there is something that makes me wonder ever since I had one that healed a little rough. I thought my routine was okay, but now I'm not quite sure. When the tattoo starts to flake, usually I keep on washing gently with soap. Should I? Most of the time, the flakes comes off easily so it's fine but sometimes, they aren't and once I get out of the shower the flakes that didn't come out by themselves become scabs. Do any of you have suggestions on that matter?
  2. Hello everyone, I've been lurking this board for a while now, so why not join in.
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