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Posts posted by T_MONEY_TX

  1. On 4/30/2016 at 1:14 PM, greyhoundmum said:

    I had a ten-year old tattoo reworked last Monday. This is my seventh tattoo, and I've never had any adverse reactions before. This is what it looked like right afterwards: 


    By Wednesday, my arm was starting to become severely itchy and developing hives. 


    Wednesday night, the bumps were spreading to my wrist and opposite arm. Took Benedryl overnight, no difference. 


    By Thursday, my arm was swollen, red, hot to the touch, and extremely itchy. 


    I went to urgent care and was prescribed oral Prednisone. Continued taking Benedryl. I've been on a combination of those meds for three days, and while the redness has diminished some, it's still very hot, swollen, and itchy. Talked to the artist, and she doesn't think it's anything to be too worried about. I'm getting married in ONE WEEK, so I need to get some relief and improvement. Anyone ever had experience with this, or can provide advice on what my next steps should be?

    Getting the same thing on my new piece... reminds me when I had poison oak. My leg piece got the same thing took a while to go away. 

  2. 3rd time using sandierm,

    1st  time on my leg...got alot of pimples on and around the tattoo. IT started being red on the outisde of the tattoo. 

    2nd time I used sandierm... not much of a issues it worked alot better this was on my outside of my arm. Did notice a odor.

    3rd time, it came off pretty quick, not sure if I didn't let my arm dry enough after I took a shower,  I use a blow dryer on cool to dry the tattoo. Went jogging and it was peeling off. So next day went and got a new piece of saniderm. Odor is back.. and redness around parts of the tattoo. Another friend of mind who is a tattoo artist says it gets "gross" after a few days... and that I am seeing lol. 

    Good thing about sandierm is not getting your bed sheets and clothes full of lnk. 


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