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Posts posted by abees

  1. Paul Sayce and I are working on two films at the moment. The Paul Sayce Interviews is Paul interviewing tattooers who predominantly started tattooing in the 1960's/70's (Dennis Cockell and Ed Hardy so far, with more to come.) Also we've filmed a part for a bonus/extra feature about Jock of Kings Cross. And another bonus/extra part with Duncan X talking about learning to tattoo from Dennis Cockell in the 1990's.

    The Paul Sayce Footage will be highlights from the hundreds of hours of footage Paul has taken throughout the last 30 or so years. Near enough none of which has been seen by the general public. For now I won't say what will likely be on it, but as we get further I'll post here and on Instagram - http://instagram.com/paulsaycefilms

  2. I've just had a dream for the second time. I'm going around London on a bus, going to the well known shops we all know of. Except they aren't in the same place, they look completely different, and none of the same people work there. So I then get back on the bus and go to another one, and the same thing happens.

    I remember another dream from ages ago, I think it was that I was booked in with someone who I've been tattooed by, at somewhere they work.. Except again it was a totally different city than the shop's actually in, and it looked different, etc.. Anyway, I showed up, said I had an appointment with said person, they said he wasn't there, but someone else would do it.

    I said "no thanks" but they forced me to get it, I can't remember what the tattoo was, but it seemed quite terrifying during the dream.

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