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Everything posted by Johannes

  1. flipper fucking yes!!!:) took a look in the mirror and realized i also have a hellbastard tattoo and a eyehategod one....
  2. @mmikaoj, men helvetet vad snygg den va då!!! gaaaah!! awesome!
  3. awesome!!! :) - - - Updated - - - hahahaha black dads hahahahaha!!! i know for sure the last dad of them certainly got himself a nervous breakdown havin his nephew from west philly in his house...his son is not much better...
  4. @cltattooing, need to check those out....used to watch shitloads of kung fu movies a bunch of years ago...mostly older ones, much cooler choreography and the sound fx!!!! gotta love it!!
  5. @else, haha yes I do remember that. did I mention i have actually two sets of bars? haha :)
  6. just took a look at my arm and it's more: 7seconds logo, anti cimex reaper, g-anx bird and a shitty skull design thing with my old band logo and shit. shit.
  7. I just realized just listening to some radio is my thang....easy to zone out to...listen to some fuckers talk about something i do not care about...some songs..more bullshit...perfect for forgetting it hurts! too bad all music on the radio pretty much sucks in sweden....
  8. ok, minor threat sheep, black flag bars, neurosis thingys x2, social distortion skeleton, flipper fish, misfits skull...probably some more i don't recall for now. so, am I the only one who likes flipper?
  9. maybe since the the thread is "Hilarious and/or awful drawings that NEVER got made into tattoos"? i wanna see! :)
  10. you know, tattooers are evil and elitist for not wanting to share their trade with everyone! but most evil of course.
  11. hello and welcome to the amazing LST forum! my advice, which is nothing really...but I wouldn't put any kind of cloth on a fresh tattoo. ask your tattooer. he/she/it will know. and uuhhm yeah, hope you'll find LST as useful as me and many others have!
  12. I'm going hard on this one....no backpiece, no welcome! :)
  13. old and in the way....i love that name! reminds me of old people!
  14. @reaperz, too big? there is no such thing!
  15. don't really care what machines the artist working on me uses....but i do prefer coils since the quiet rotarys kinda creep me out because the simple fact they don't sound alot! i need that sound to zone out.
  16. i really don't see why anyone would like to make a totally working tattoo design something "unique" or whatever....it's fine as is....let the tattooer(who knows tattoos)draw something up for you. tell the tattooer what you want and i'm pretty darn sure you'll get an awesome design tattooed on you.
  17. hello and welcome! yeah, this place is pretty awesome as you might figure out! enjoy and have fun!
  18. @Mark Bee, yes with a result as good looking as that it's worth the difficult sitting. amazing and cool chestpiece!
  19. just post it....everyone here with more than 5 tats felt that, i'm pretty sure of....and tim is awesome so...yeah...show us the goods!!!! :)
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