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About ARdysfunction

  • Birthday 07/29/1979

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  1. This is an good topic and interesting to see everyones takes on it. I am not really concerned why people get what they want and belive that people should in fact get whatever image they want to put on them... on them. But I happen to work whit a girl who states she is a non beliver and a witch. She also has back full back piece in progress that consistis of a cross and angel wings and gets annoyed when people want to ask her about being christian. Seems like if you have certian types of art you are going to open you self up to whatever kinds of pre conceved noitions the general public has that goes along with it. I guess what I am saying is just don't be upset if some people just start assuming things about you when you choose to display these images.
  2. WTF... I feel bad when I have to take my kids to the Dr. to get shots.
  3. [/img] My first session on this arm. Done. January 3rd 2013 By. Ryan Dearringer At. Fallen Empire
  4. Yeah... So Thursday morning I decide to shave my left arm and chest because I am sure that is where we are going. After we get the final drawing hammered out we decide to switch arms and did not have enough time to even get to my chest. So now I have a half shaved chest and no tattoo there... looks nice. LOL
  5. I have been wondering/worried about this myself. I am starting a half sleeve that is going onto my chest on Thursday... Do you guys shave the area before you go in? Or do you let the artist decide what needs to be removed? I was concerned about them using a cheap razor and then ending up with a bunch of ingrowns pushing out the ink a few days later. I might have to pick up some coochy... lol
  6. Cool story... I love it when people take action and change what they can, no matter the situation. Your tattoo looks great too! Good luck with the rest of your pants.
  7. I finally got enough time to sit down and watch this on Hulu. There was some really interesting insite to the early tattooer's, and culture. It also gave me more respect for the art from that time period after watching it. Things like, Purple Ink... who knew?
  8. Thanks for the welcomes. The work I have booked in January is with the artist Ryan Dearringer. I guess it would be classified as border line new school. It is an illisutrative concept piece, that is trying to capture a man made fish pond next to a municiple building and a train station I used to visit as a kid. The only real stipulaitons I put around the idea were three fish combined with elements of industry. Like train parts, brick, etc... Kind of a nature vs industry type of thing. It will be rendered somewhat realistic as aposed to the cartoonish new school stuff I really do not care for. That is going to start just above my elbow and run part way onto my chest. After that is finished I have a few other ideas: I really want a skull of some sort done in black and grey. Thinking ribs. I am also really digging traditonal tigers and eagles. Not sure how to incorperate this into everthing else which is really non traditonal. Lower leg sleeve maybe? My back also has some cover up needed but I want to think long and hard before I start taking up that realestate again. The piece I have there now is pretty light grey, so I do not think a laser will be neassary. But I will consult an artist later on once I get to that point. I am open to sugestions... especailly on how to combine serveral styles and not look odd.
  9. Hey all- My name is Brad. I am 33 years old, happily married and the father of three. (2 year old twin boy and girl and last week a new baby girl) Spend most of my time working or hanging out with the family. Out side of that, I like firearms, craft beer, and sport bikes. But the reason I am here. Tattoos !!! Not so much the ones I have but the plans I have for the rest of my skin. In late October I put a deposite down to start work on a half sleve going onto my chest (also a dual cover-up). First session is Jan. 3rd 2013. I am super exiceted. The wait is killing me, wich has lead me to trying to plan out the rest of my body and resarching future projects. I have been lurking around the site most of November an decided to join up so I can start asking my own questions. It seems like you all have built a respectable place to hang out here on the good ol interwebz... and I hope I can contribute. Thanks ARd
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