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  • Biography
    22 year old guy just taking life one day at a time
  • Location
    Odessa, Texas
  • Interests
    Linework, ATV and MX Racing, Firearms, GIRLS
  • Occupation
    Apprentice Lineman

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  1. It's not bad at all. If you don't like it after another year maybe go and see if someone can add more color and detail to it, and "bring it to life" so to speak. It's amazing what little things can go for a tattoo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Not sure if my last photo worked, if it did I apologize about the poor quality photo. Was on the road home from work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I'm using the Tapatalk app Let's try this one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thought I added one lol. Here ya go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Got my first 3 years ago, takes up Most of my forearm. Have for a few since then but not at the rate I'd like to haha. Bills come before tattoos unfortunately. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'll give them a call tomorrow and see what they say
  7. hmm... I like the idea of a ride with the Italian flag... I actually wanted to get a few flowers around the elbow area of my arm, and those were probably going to come after this tattoo, or maybe after I got the upper 1/2 sleeve..
  8. @motsimus: What do you think of my idea for my first tattoo? i don't expect you to like the idea, but I do so that's all that matters.. but what would you add to it to make it cooler looking and add some style and maybe some dimension to it..
  9. it here is no telling when I'll be back home! and I am DYING to get a sleeve started.. I planned on going to either Dallas or Austin.. was just waiting for someone to suggest a shop/ artist in one of those cities! do you know of they will work with me via email to get a design settled? I figured with the size this piece will be it can be done in one sitting.. but everything after this one will be larger and probably require multiple visits.. I honestly want to keep the number of visits as low as possible, just because of his far of a drive I'll be mKing..
  10. please excuse my crappy color pencil drawing... it's horrible, I know.. but I did it just to get a rough idea of how the piece I wanted would look... just need to add something to it now... HELP MS! hah
  11. wow... I know a artist that is always "polishing turds" just because where he lives there are to many people that tattoo from home or have the friend buy a kit and do it.. they come out horrible usually, and they always need completely reworked.. he offers the, "get a full piece bye and I'll re-work some of the poor pieces you have for a great deal" that way he gets to design something and fix up some other stuff.. good way to make some exta cash.. plus the work he does is REALLY nice..
  12. pretty sure that you violated the forum rules.. I'm new here too, but I came here to share my ideas and get advice... not post things like this and not contribute at all... this is a forum for tattoo talk.. not random BS like this
  13. I like that man! looks really good! do you ever come to the states to do work?
  14. Hey LST guys and gals! Yet ANOTHER New member here! Little about me before I get to the real reason I joined up here... I'm James, a 22 year old guy that recently moved from California to Western Texas. I moved from my home to chase some work in my career field, being a lineman. For those of you who don't know what that is I'll make it nice and simple for ya... I build power line. right now I work in the oil foelds, but my goal is to be back in a city in Cali sooner than later.. In my past I raced quads professionally, but after breKjng 2 bones back to back (over a year of not being able to do $#!t I decided it was time to get my ACt together and figure out a real job to do for the rest of my life. so there are some basics of how I ended up where I am today... now to the good stuff.. I currently live in Odessa TX.. it's a boom town, and just like everywhere there are plenty of places to get tattoos, but in all honestly every shop here SUCKS... their work is just really poorly drawn. I am NOT a tattoo expert, hell I don't even have one yet, but that's why I am here.. to find a good, QUALITY, place to go get my first. now, my first tattoo will probably be lame as hell to most of you, but I want something simple, for my first. I do already have an idea for a 1/2 sleeve on my upper arm, but I want something small as my first one, and I even drew it.. even though I suck at drawing.. so what I want to know is: 1.where is a good place somewhat near odessa Texas? 2.what would you all add to this tattoo I drew up? I feel as though it needs more, but can't figure out what would make it look BADASS.. maybe some vines or something??.. help a fella out here! and so you all are aware, I am ITALIAN, those are the colors of the ITALIAN flag, NOT the Mexican flag.. just have to make that clear so you don't start throwing out Spanish words or something that is Hispanic related hahA anyways, thanks for reading, and I look forward to being a part of this community and can't wait to hear what ya all think of my shitty drawing! haha! -James
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