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Everything posted by ClaudeBalls

  1. Nice thread. I use a straight razor - mainly at weekends or holidays due to the added time it takes me to strop and shave with a straight razor over a normal cartridge razor. Personally, I'm not sure that it works out any cheaper but I certainly enjoy shaving with a decent piece of German Solingen or vintage English Sheffield steel! And for those of us in love with Japanese style tattoos/body suits - there's always the option of shaving with a Japanese steel straight razor too - if one can afford it!!
  2. For me personally, the same tattooer - or at the very least the same shop. However, for me this is because a) I like to think I have established a rapport with my tattooer over a period of time as I have gotten more work done and b) because I am in the process of covering some previous work and/or integrating previous work to try and bring it all into a cohesive whole. In fact I would probably feel guilty going somewhere else, knowing how much time and effort my current tattooer has put into the work I have so far. Of course, having said that, I completely understand the other view re: collecting different pieces of work from a number of great tattooers - and who knows if the opportunity came along to get work by a guest tattooer who I really admired I might just try to find a space for something - but I would discuss with my current tattooer
  3. Hi, after a few visits to the LST pages and watching some (probably most of them, in fact) of the videos of the tattoo artists featured on these pages, I have finally decided to take the plunge and join the forum. :) I got my first tattoo (a little one), age 19, in the 1980s - in the days before the internet, getting my next tattoo (arguably, my first proper tattoo) about ten years later! Various "one-session" tattoos followed sporadically after that until around 3 years ago, when I started getting larger pieces done. I wouldn't call myself a "collector" - but I think I'm certainly addicted!:cool:
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