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Everything posted by WeRnDoG

  1. That is killer I hope to visit one day.
  2. Lets see that Man Mick is great love his stuff.
  3. This has been a good thread,lots of educated debate... Now somebody go get tattooed by Conn I want to see that shit!!
  4. I would pay it but I can see how people think it is expensive. He probably makes a shit load more off selling his paintings so im guessing he would have to justify it that way, interesting he started back up though...wonder if he has missed tattooing?? who knows
  5. Awesome that would be cool to see. I have a dragon from him its on page 40 of the latest tattoo lowdown thread if you want to check it out.
  6. Thats really nice bro, so your the one that owns the black and grey hannya on the forearm. Have you got any other work from Shige?
  7. When are you putting up The Bruno piece for us to see?
  8. Agree!! Demand for an artist undeniably determines the rate. I would have thought $100 hour is a thing of the past in most shops that are worth 2 shits. A lot of people forget to factor in the behind the scenes time that an artist spends researching and drawing for their tattoo.
  9. Lately I have seen shops advertising on sites such as 'one day' and 'grab one' . Not sure if you have such sites in the states but they are basically grab a deal sites, get yourself two hours tattooing for $80 usually $200 type shit. My wife gets all the emails and forwards them to me for a laugh. Any shop that needs to advertise discounted rates to get people through the door obviously is bad news. A couple guys at my work have purchased these deals and I have seen the subsequent abortions, the thing is they think it's good stuff and that's after seeing my work on a daily basis. Tattoos aren't for everyone especially people that look for the cheapest, fuck off...right off!!!
  10. $250 is his standard rate so $350 for getting him in on his day off is well worth it. He is super fast so could bang out a fist sized tattoo in two hours no problem, I would go for it.
  11. Well worth it if you dig his style. Even if you weren't into the Grime style you would appreciate the skill that makes up his tattoos,he is one of a kind.
  12. Damn that is killer, you have some great work from Hooper.
  13. Great stuff man, I hope to get something from Hooper one day.
  14. You can't go wrong in S.F for tattoos that's for sure. Look forward to seeing the start of your new piece after laser.
  15. Good progress man, who are you lineing up to do the new piece? I'm thinking of lasering one of my sleeves, it's not badly done but I didn't put a lot if thought in to it and being on your arms you have to look at that all day.
  16. Tim Biedron at Pioneer. "Decent price" and Tim probably don't go hand in hand though. Not that he overcharges but it sounds like you want something done on a budget which I would imagine wouldn't be up his alley being one of the best in the game. But if you were willing to save and wait thats who I would suggest depending on what you want ofcourse.
  17. ' so legit ' really grinds my gears. It's a instagram favorite for commenting on tattoos.
  18. Agree about the paper towels. Towards the end of my 2nd consecutive day on my thigh it wasn't the pins that were bothering me it was the wiping over freshly tattooed skin.
  19. Love this piece by Aaron Coleman.
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