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Everything posted by MadeIndelible

  1. I would say that it's rude to go to someone else, when someone put in professional work on a tattoo. I'm assuming you went to a professional.
  2. @Faolan I think, if anything, it would be like the rule that tattoos are placed so the viewer sees them best. For example, faces are placed so that the tattoo is looking forward on the arms, or inward on the chest.
  3. I passed my driving test with the most amount of points that I could fail, barely getting my license. Still not sure what I even missed. Maybe that's why I'm not that great of a driver.
  4. @rozone Amazing mitts. Agreeing with all the above statements.
  5. Tattoo magic at it's most mischievious. @beez
  6. My aunt and I have been painting the general store that her in laws own. We're doing the lettering and the friezes. It's a really great project. Will post pictures when it's done.
  7. Yes, people would. I think he more meant that I can't get face tattoos, but still, I'm going to get the tattoos that I want. Probably no face tattoos, but probably a skull tattoo. That is WAY down the road, though, so it's all speculation on my part.
  8. @mmikaoj Not only are you totally badass for sitting with two tattooers on a back piece no less, but the outline looks awesome! Can't wait for the final reveal.
  9. @SeeSea best of luck with your baby.
  10. New Mastodon: New Tombs, with album art by Thomas Hooper:
  11. @semele That back piece is beyond rad! Yet another LSTer with a killer, huge tattoo.
  12. @peterpoose Just take it as someone loving what you get so much that they have no sense of self-worth, to the point that they'd get something that you got. As Chaz, the graffiti artist said at the Perseverance show, biting is the highest compliment.
  13. @CollinK RAD! Love lady ass hearts. Just sayin'.
  14. I know that people on LST will be the people who are getting good tattoos, whether it be now, ten years down the road, or twenty years from now.
  15. Tattooers and collectors have been getting the trending styles tattooed on them for decades, especially the trends within the wider style of "traditional." Since when do tattooed people apologize for the tattoos that they get?
  16. You think traditional tattoos won't be around in ten years? That's absurd.
  17. I saw Mike Adams do some of those. Pretty rad.
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