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Posts posted by HugeGoldAK47

  1. Just to chime in with my 2 cents - I'm not a huge fan of watermarks but there's an increasing need with the way sites like Tumblr et al are going. At least if there's a watermark then people are aware of who made the image.

    As someone mentioned above this especially applies to tattooers and illustrators (like myself).

    The people that are totally blasé about this like the people Hyena mentioned, are very very rarely 'creators' - because if they were then they'd realise that the things we work hard to create aren't just worthless pixels on a screen but something that blood, sweat & tears have gone into - so therefore, at the VERY least, should be credited correctly.

  2. Hello.

    I am an artist and illustrator from London, UK.

    I have no tattoos yet, but I have been fascinated by them since I was little.

    I think 2011 is going to be the year I made the plunge!:cool:

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