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  3. Hi there, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It sounds like you've had a frustrating time with this tattoo. From what you've described, it seems like the fading issue with fine line tattoos can be quite common, but it's important for the artist to manage expectations and provide appropriate aftercare advice.
  4. The first time I saw a tattoo was back as a kid in the year 2002 it was my mom friend of a friend at a potluck party and summer solstice celebration in upstate New York after we all were dancing he had a dragon on his arm he was a really nice guy I forgot his name but share the story till this day
  5. Earlier
  6. I love skulls too, I have a lot of those.
  7. Back at the shop yesterday to see Andrew (he did my most of my leg stuff plus a few others). Webs either side of my sternum heart. Once we finished, he said he will see how it heals and do some touch ups- and that we need sowing above the daggers to balance it. I suggested a mini Web, so we're going with that. Will be living in wire-free bras for a bit (material is softer so less irritation) while healing. I had to laugh , no bra and you can't even see the webs 🤣. Thanks kids and gravity. I've booked a weekday with Kyle in August for my elbow, but I have an opportunity to teach so looks like I need to shuffle my elbow appointment yet again. I'm going to see if I can't get in earlier in the month. Anyway, super happy with the webs, I fully expected to hate my life choices but it was one of the easiest ones yet. The bottoms of the mermaids sucked way more. This was just lots of vibrations. Happy days!
  8. @rabbitrok @Dan , yeah can't go wrong with flowers! I have some little blossoms and the roses with more flowers to come. But I still stand by the skulls 💀 😍
  9. "Friday the 13th tattoo" refers to a tradition where tattoo shops offer special deals on the 13th of the month if it falls on a Friday. Originating from the association of Friday the 13th with bad luck, this event has become a popular date for getting tattoos, often featuring spooky or superstitious themes. Tattoo enthusiasts and newcomers alike take advantage of discounted prices, typically $13 plus a $7 tip, totaling $20. The designs are usually pre-drawn flash tattoos, small and simple. This event combines fun, superstition, and art, making it a unique cultural phenomenon in the tattoo community.
  10. Hogrider

    good stuff

    I’ve just been reporting these dick lickers and the posts are removed.
  11. Dan

    good stuff

    so glad you posted this info about nursing students on a F***ing TATTOO forum ! fuckin dipshit
  12. Steve

    Need help

    Hi, welcome to the forum. Please note this bullet item in the 'forum rules' https://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/rules/ Do not start threads asking about specific tattooing equipment or techniques, LST is not here to teach anyone how to tattoo. Ask your own tattooer, the next time you are getting tattooed. Maybe they'll answer you, maybe they won't. cheers
  13. Njurk

    Need help

    I'm a beginner tattoo artist, and I have a problem. Not always, but sometimes when I tattoo people, when the needle touches the skin, it starts to vibrate and my vision blurs. Because of this, I don’t see the lines and don’t understand what I’m doing. My teacher says that she doesn’t have such a problem and that I just need to pull the skin harder, but no matter how hard I pull, it still happens. My vision seems to be fine, I recently had it checked. Have any of you experienced this, and how did you fix it?
  14. Oldest was probably 1986 or 87. Then one a year after that until the '90s
  15. Your tattoo does look quite faded, almost as if you've had it for many years.
  16. ya, I want more flowers too
  17. flowers I guess. I currently have roses, cherry blossoms, and forget-me-nots. Probably getting some sunflowers or morning glories at some point
  18. my oldest tat is about 20 yrs old, and it still looks great. I'll try and post a pic soon. I accredit this with the fact that my shirt often covers it, and I don't go in the sun much so I avoid a lot of sun damage
  19. yeah you have to speak up, I think we've established that. I've had a similar experience. I got a great tattoo, but the pose for the character wasn't the one I really wanted, because I was too afraid to speak up. I love my tattoo now, it's great, but it was supposed to look very different
  20. It definitely doesn't look new, looks faded. I would look for a different artist who can fix that up for you
  21. Dan

    Tattoo anxiety

    reading all your posts here, IMO maybe you shouldn't get anymore tattoos.
  22. oooh very well done, looks great
  23. jdm

    Tattoo anxiety

    ... and xanax is on hand. Lol. My tattoo artist says I'm waaaaaaaay in my head. To the extremes. It's strange. I feel fine with forearm tattoos tho. I do feel the couple I added yesterday helped a little, but I never wanted a "big" tattoo and it's just very jarring. Anxiety is a bitch. I wish I was more like...who gives a shit. All my tattoos have "zen" images and meanings, meanwhile I'm the furthest thing from zen there is. Lol. I guess I compare and question my design and need to get out of my head. My best friend is getting her tattoo from my guy BECAUSE of this tattoo of mine. And she has a gift certificate to somewhere else, BUT she's going to him because of my tattoo. So, that says something. Says I need to shut up take a xanax and rock the damn tattoo. Lol.
  24. jdm

    Tattoo anxiety

    Lol...no sleeves for me, that would send me straight to the grave. Lol. Thanks for your reply. I gotta get thru it and own it. I just got 2 new ones yesterday and it sorta brought it all together, but I still nit pick thos one apart. And I shouldn't but I do. I may have it wrapped around or something. Anxiety is the worst. Seriously awful. Wish my brain was care free
  25. Hogrider

    Tattoo anxiety

    Anxiety sucks. What to do? Make it into a sleeve? Add tattoos around it? Make it part of a scene? I can relate to anxiety, but thankfully I never had tattoo regret. I’m in the last stages of a body suit, so if I did get it, I’d probably need a carload of Xanax.
  26. My last tattoo scabbed over a lot, and I was very concerned, but my tattoo artist reassured me and told me to just continue with normal care. It healed perfectly fine and looks great now, so I wouldn't worry to much.
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