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  1. Today
  2. honestly my knees were not bad at all, my knee ditches pretty much sucked though
  3. Yesterday
  4. Nah the worst for me so far has been front of thigh. Elbow just felt weird right on the knobby bit and that was the only bit that "hurt". Shins were fine, I'd do shins every day of the week over the front of thigh again. Second shin done! So happy with the pair of them. I'm loving the colours in the torch. I'm still amazed by how easy they were to get, I fully expected to hate it. Kyle and Binger bith agreed that calves suck and shins are easy. I found the calves fine for the most part, it was near the Achilles that sucked and the healing. Not looking forward to inner calf though, that will be tender no doubt! Same with knees , I expect to tap out with my knees lol 😆
  5. Enjoy your shin! GAH. It hurts. But knees and elbows hurt more. Have a good time!
  6. Last week
  7. Thanks guys, keen for Fridays appointment- the shins will look good once paired up! The tips of the flames were probably the worst of it for me. Helps I'm a fatty I guess 😄
  8. Nice! The shin is no fun
  9. very cool, I like it
  10. First for the year! Double -ended candle on my right shin. Heading back Friday arvo for the other shin.
  11. Earlier
  12. A stunning full arm tattoo depicting Leonardo da Vinci's iconic "The Last Supper" in breathtaking detail. Created by the talented artists at Reckon Tattoo, this piece showcases incredible shading, realism, and artistry. Visit Reckon Tattoo to explore more remarkable designs and book your consultation.
  13. A mesmerizing full chest tattoo showcasing a powerful contrast between an angel and a Grim Reaper. The intricate details, stunning shading, and dynamic composition highlight the expert craftsmanship of Reckon Tattoo's talented artists. Discover more incredible artwork and book your session at Reckon Tattoo.
  14. A breathtaking full back tattoo combining a serene depiction of a veiled woman holding a cross with haunting skeletal figures in the background. This masterpiece captures themes of faith, mortality, and transcendence, brought to life with expert shading and impeccable detail. Experience more of Reckon Tattoo's artistry at Reckon Tattoo.
  15. Hey Everyone... Thought this might be a long shot, but anyone up for a weekly paint night in Rockville MD? I have room for 4-6 people in the art room. Never have enough Tattoo Flash
  16. https://www.lastsparrowtattoo.com/rules/
  17. Is the sextuplets wireless tattoo machine a good machine to use? Any reviews about it out there?
  18. Thanks for the help, lol. It was nothing, healed up great.
  19. hold on a minute, I'll get back to you in an hour hold on a minute, I'll get back to you in an hour
  20. Exactly, you can do it if you really want to but choose a really good artist. The best way is to leave this tattoo as it is.
  21. Informative
  22. Hi, I am replying years later but the older reference I can find for this thistle man can be find in the drawing book of the Prof Milton Zeis. I don't know the meaning or the exact idea behind it but it is maybe related to Irish symbols.
  23. Dan

    Hello everyone!

    Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objective, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.
  24. Hey everyone. How are you doing? I'm doing ok. I'm just enjoying my morning coffee while writing this. (It's around 4 AM CT at the time of posting this) I'm a 23 year old guy that got my first tattoo almost two years ago (I got it on Dec. 31st, 2022: https://i.ibb.co/xhPwSK4/IMG-2023-01-01-11-54-40-576.jpg). I now think that the tattoo is little cringe, and I plan on getting it covered. Do you have any cover up ideas? Besides that, I like to browse the internet, do surveys for a little spare cash, and play retro video games (old PC & PS1 games). I have plenty of time on my hands, so maybe I'll try to lurk around this site for awhile, y'know. Anyhoo, thanks for reading this and have a wonderful day.
  25. That is rough. Don’t let whoever did that near you again. You don’t need fancy or special creams, just use plain cocoa butter. Not too much, just enough to keep it from drying out. Too little is better than too much.
  26. Hi, I think got similar problem, like yours , but after 4 weeks it was looking alot better, can you plz let me know for those for weeks , what you used any cream and no moisturizer?
  27. I love traditional . each of you get something like this maybe. . tattoos by https://www.instagram.com/leatherlanetattoo/
  28. I’d skip the “deep, meaningful that represents blah, blah, blah” part. Just pick a cool image that you both like. Dragon, tiger, panther, ying/yang, skull, etc.
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