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tattoos by olivia

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Posts posted by tattoos by olivia

  1. Thanks for the heads up. That's too bad :(, was hoping someone could help since everyone I work with doesn't use 3r's :(. Oh well I'll just keep practing with them and I'm sure I'll figure it out.

    Where can I post pictures? I tried editing my profile but I can't figure out how to do that

  2. Hey everyone. I've been tattooing professionally for 2 years now plus a 1 year apprenticeship. During my apprenticeship the smallest liner the artists used was a 5r. Since then I spread my wings and have been at a few different shops, the first shop was full of scratchers so I left because I wanted to surround my self with good professional artists. Then next shop only had one artist who only specialized in tradition, so all his stuff was lined with a 9r shader. Now I'm in fort McMurray and nobody uses anything smaller than a 5r. I'm really great at script, everyone who walks in chooses me for script because of my portfolio and word of mouth. Today I lined with a 3r for the first time and it did not go well at all, the needle was just so shaky, that's never happened to me with any of the other liners. I feel so down and disappointed in myself today. Please help

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