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Posts posted by rocketgirl

  1. Hi there --- re: etiquette (and many other issues raised in your note as well): Some artists are reluctant to complete or cover-up someone else's work. I think it depends on the circumstances. It sounds like you have been more than reasonable; and, ultimately, it is YOUR skin. You live in it; you get to decide who decorates it. It is a significant monetary and personal investment, you want to be sure that you both trust and have rapport with the person doing the work. You may want to consider not just having someone else "color in" the design, but perhaps alter it as well. It is not reasonable for you to sit in a shop for 8 or 9 hours beyond your appointment time. (There are some artists who do the designing/drawing as part of your appointment; however, this does not sound like your experience). It is also not reasonable once you are a "work in progress" to be unable to book appointments. Find someone who's art and vibe resonate for you; and explain what you want. Don't spin around the "I already spent $2,000.00 at this shop" etc. Move forward. Best of luck!

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