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Jenny Coe

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Posts posted by Jenny Coe

  1. But i guess atleast with a temporary tattoo you get a trial run, to make sure you're ready to commit to a legit, $$$ tat. Even if it is one that is in no way, shape or form unique.

    -_- this is a reply to the comment about tatsy, about 50 odd pages ago.

  2. I only have one tiny tattoo at the moment, a £40 bare-bones compass on the inside of my wrist that noone notices. I got it to cover up some scars etc....but the tattooist deliberately shifted it to the left a bit. Needless to say I don't tend to show it off much. What I really really want in maybe a year or so is a western style dragon going from my hip, along my side/back, to my shoulder. I'm just waiting until I can a) afford it b) draw my idea right and c) find the right artist. Now that I will show off if it gets done right.

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