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Posts posted by Anthony

  1. Stewart Robson; there's the mental and emotional side to being a tattooed person. The way it feels to have made a deliberate choice to get a tattoo, placed a certain amount of trust in a stranger (usually) and to have the results with you every moment of your existence. To know what it's like to live with a tattoo, to see it age with your body etc. Not forgetting the social side, the way other people interact with you, either positive or negative. All these things cannot be understood without having tattoos.

    Please before every thinks iam a troll i am sure this guy is from another forum. were this same debate was started by this very guy but under the name blue rino and once it wasnt that he didnt agree with peoples opoions he just wanted to argue and argue untill some would agree with him and eventully he was banned. as Stewart writes " Not forgetting the social side, the way other people interact with you, either positive or negative. All these things cannot be understood without having tattoos." the real reason as he put was his wife doesnt have tattoos is because her parents dont like them which is fine as people said she shouldnt be putting them on otheres. sorry rant over

  2. hi i am also a parent who worries about the world around them so i completely understand were your coming from but i dont know if its all tattoo shops or its just the couple ive been to since collecting tattoos but i could not belive the hygiene levels the practice i went to the dentist last year for the first time in years there was no comparision between the two i think a lot of services could learn a thing or two from tattooist hygene especially some of the hospitals in london.

  3. just thought id say hello from the over side of the pond. so far i love the forum reading from people who seem to know and love the world of tattoo. im not the most knowledgeable about the subject but i do love tattoo artwork and have learnt so much from this forum. take care all hope to get amongst it soon.


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