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Posts posted by antblake

  1. I want to start off by saying Hi, my name is Anthony and I'm prior military. My main focus for coming to the forums is to seek someone who is willing to help me fix a problem im having with a tattoo i got. The problem is my tattoo absolutely sucks from the elbow down and i hate looking at it although not finished. I have not been seen outside in in public in nothing but a long sleeve t-shirt. If made me let go of my last job which was the military mainly because I felt too terrible to continue on. I dont plan on hurting myself in anyway so lets get that out the war as well lol. Just looking for some good people to help me come up with a game plan on a decent coverup/solution in general. Im currently in san antonio texas and don't mind traveling for some decent work this time around.

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    Ok so I got this tattoo about a year ago and lets just say some real shady sh*t went down and left my arm a mess. I stopped shortly after the outline. Basically i got the top half of my arm done at a shop by the same guy and then he invited me to his house for part 2 and the rest was history.... Bad history:/

    Ive come to accept that it was a dumb decision and just want to move on from the situation instead of it making me feel bad 24/7. I've had 4 removal treatments to lighten it a little but im still not sure if its light enough to get some coverup work done. I'm pretty stressed bought it because the tattoo i want to cover is all over the bottom of my forearm and im not sure if someone can turn it into something nice. Money is not an issue and i dont mind paying someone to fix this disaster on my arm. I dont want to keep the current design of the tattoo as it sits and I would like to get rid of the lower maple leaf and building beside it with something covering it up. BTW im a light to medium skint oned black person so im not sure what my options are but im open to any suggestions or anyone that can help me out in general.

    I just need some direction as in what should be my next move, who i should talk too ect. It almost seems easier to just cut my arm off lol. I beat myself up about this basically everyday but come to you all for a new beginning. So Hello and help me please!

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