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Posts posted by L0G4N

  1. Hello LST, I'm probably going to get my first tattoo this weekend. It is an impossible star and it will be placed on my left shoulder blade and will be 4" by 4". If you need to know what one looks like just search for it in google images.

    I've had this planned for months but I've been planning the next one after that as well and it is a FULL sleeve on my left arm. I'm really into reef aquariums and stuff like that so I thought why not do something with that.

    So my idea was to basically merge these two tattoos into one.

    I see the attachments are at the bottom so I'm just saying this here. The tattoo of the fish is kind of how I want it but the actual drawing is more of what I want.

    Let me know what you guys think and if anyone can work some magic and come up with some concept art that'd be awesome! :D

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