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Posts posted by topazann

  1. dbik3l.jpg

     The phoneix looks like chicken drumstick thigh quarter, not seeing enough of it to create a cohesive image. It is being done well, but you should add feet and more body to the bird.In most cases, people will apply this tattoo in large sizes. This is mostly because it had more details and it looked better when in a larger size. There's a couple good phoenix in jornal also.

  2. I also had told myself that I'd not get facial tattoos. Mostly because of my job, and I know how important appearances are when someone is coming to you for help. It's their life on the line, so they would definitely assess my age, style of dress and hair etc, and would definitely be polarized as to my piercings and tattoos. Some would love them and others would hate them. Sure, someideas are cute and I hope they will not regtet!


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