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Posts posted by adiabatic

  1. thank you very much for you advice...
    Could you please tell me what about this design is wrong? for 8 hours of work is this like totally not acceptable?

    I found a different artist and emailed him already and waiting on a response... I'm so wrecked right now because I can't believe I'm this dumb.

  2. Hi everyone, I'm new here - I rushed and found a tattoo studio where I currently live in Moldova (for school) and the artist I chose had some pretty good tattoos in his portfolio I thought.

    So I decided to do a large tattoo from my shoulder to anterior elbow and we did about 8 hours today on it. Currently I'm panicking because i'm having second thoughts about the quality of the work and not sure how to proceed.  

    I payed 50% deposit, and today at the shop the owner was like "no man just pay the rest when you come in next time for the second session" and after I left he calls me on my cell and asks to come pick up the rest of the money from me because he needs it for the website he's making or some craziness like that. The place is busy and looks like a legit shop in the center of town... but please if you could take a look and tell me what you think.... they know i'm going to bulgaria in 2 weeks on vacation and this is what they left me with...


    the top part of the tattoo, the face is fine with me...but the flowers look like shit and with a shirt on it just looks strange doesn't fit my arm size... there is that empty space there and...I'm considering approaching another artist I found at another studio that is didn't know about and I believe is much better...

    This is my fault because I rushed into it, and thought it would turn out great...but I'm not sure anymore that it will.

    anyways sorry for the long post but please any advice would be great thanks.









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