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Posts posted by ISenseWolves

  1. 2 hours ago, Synesthesia said:

    So...you asked both of them about your next three tattoos before you even got your first one? I'm still confused. Maybe you should take things one at a time.

    Do you want the wave done in a certain style or do you want it to be pretty close to how it looks in the picture? Dan seems to do a little bit of everything, tending to favor more neo-traditional/new school stuff, whereas Aaron is primarily a traditional style artist. I think Aaron's stuff looks bolder because that's the traditional style, heavy black and solid lines. They're both pretty good. It really comes down to what look you want. I guess if you literally just want him to copy a picture, it doesn't matter which guy you go to. Even the most average street artist could replicate that wave without too much trouble.

    I think people focus too much on "getting ripped off" when it comes to tattoos. You have to look at this forever, and getting something done well that you love is worth it. That's why I emphasize choosing your artist first, because cost is secondary to a job well done. I try to save up a good amount of money before even going in for a consultation appointment, schedule something a couple months out to make sure I'm good on money, and only ask for a ballpark figure at the end of the consultation (phrase it like "Okay, so about how much cash should I bring with me...?"). Usually, I save too much and bring too much money with me. Better than being chintzy and not bringing enough.

    Yes, I wasn't very sure which one I wanted first but I've decided now. Thank you so much for the advice it really helps. I want it close to how it is in the picture except colored in blue. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Synesthesia said:

    Imo, you're doing this kind of backwards. You pick the artist first and then go with their price. It sounds to me like you're comparing two people and trying to decide based more on cost than who you prefer as an artist. You need to pick who you think would give you the look you want better. You're concerned about $100 difference, which is small change for a piece of art on your body forever.

    I'm also not sure what tattoo you're getting. You posted a picture of a bear on a hand, then a rose, then a wave. Which thing were you hoping to get? Have you not decided yet? Figuring out what you want should be the very first thing you do.

    I prefer Aaron's style a lot more, but it's up to you. If you want a more traditional style whatever it is you're getting, I think he would kill it.

    I asked for those photos because it is what I asked for future reference. I'm going with the wave first. I wanted to make sure he wasn't overcharging because I'm really new to this and I have no idea what I'm doing. Of course I'm doing research and I was torn between the two and talked to both to see what they could do. Their art is pretty similar IMO but Aaron's lines and coloring seems to be better?

  3. So I'm interested in getting my first tattoo, and I went to two shops and talked to the artists I liked. I showed them the same pictures, and asked for an estimate for what I wanted. Do these tattoo artists look cheap? It seems like Dan takes more photos after the tattoos heal, and then Aaron takes them as soon as they are finished. I see many people say not to go cheap. I asked for the small size (around 4x4) on my shoulder.


    Dan Abner told me a tattoo like this: http://prntscr.com/bkjojy would cost around $180

    Dan said around $100-$120 with color for the ocean (not including tip for the ocean piece) and the same price for a rose.
    Aaron said $220-$280 (no tip either) for a rose or ocean circle piece.

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