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Posts posted by Dado

  1. Thanks for explanation, the shop is not dirty its the best one in my city, and really expensive. I paid almost $100 for this really small tattoo.

    But your explanation does make a lot of sense, I just thought its what everyone does.

    I cant wait for it to flake off :P

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  2. Lmao! But I've seen many people who had it done and had used this ointment, and the artist has 10 years+ experience in tattooing.. Why is it bad to use an antibiotic ointment?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. I'm putting fucidin ointment on it, its what the artist told me to put, I might have put more than required, Im not really sure.. Whats the side effect if that was the case?

    Thank you for the responses :)

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  4. 64390e884b129a8b48f0f7d6929a7d11.jpg

    Its been two weeks, I was told by the artist to put ointment on it for two weeks. But its bulgibg a little and theres like the white-ish outline.

    What do I do? Just leave it alone?

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  5. 8a2ccf58960f28c4956a1b86491afd57.jpg

    This is my first tattoo ever. How long do you guys think it will take for it to completely heal. Do you have any tips on healing? Im using an ointment called Fucidin (antibiotic).

    Any help is appreciated, thanks

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