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Posts posted by Johnpaulww

  1. Hey guys, ill just post a few pics here of some of the tats I have now, hope to get many more, and hope to glean a little information about tattooing from the wonderful forum!

    **i have a tattoo on my whole back that is based on the sketch in the last picture (the pencil one)**





  2. Hi there LST peeps, so Ive been drawing pretty much my entire life, ive taken some classes here and there but no degree in fine arts or anything. Anyways I have recently oddly become surrounded by tattoo artists in my life and I think for the first time I could actually become like an artist in my life and possibly not starve to death or wilt away in some design company creating brochures for some stupid company. 

    So anyways here ive put together a little link of some example of my work (some is woodburned on guitars ive made). I just was hoping to get a feel for if i could survive in this tattooing world, if my skills are halfway decent enough to get an apprenticeship and start learning the ropes and stuff.


    Let me know what you guys think, thanks!

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