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Posts posted by Amanda

  1. Hi Synesthesia.  Thanks for the response.

    The tattoo was covered for 24 hours then I showered and gently rinsed it off.  No lotion until day 3.  I've been showering with my foot on the ledge to avoid getting it wet and putting lotion on 3 times per day.  I've been in flip flops 90% of the time (my feet are FREEZING from avoiding socks in the house LOL) and when I need to wear sneakers (to teach) I wear cotton socks and keep my shoe loose so it wouldn't rub which it hasn't. I've worn sneakers for a total of 3 times for a total of an hour here and there only.  

    It isn't super itchy at all, and I'm definitely not picking the scabs... I'm super embarrassed how it looks at this point and very worried on the outcome. :(

  2. Good morning everyone!

    I recently had a tattoo placed on the top of my foot and it seems as though most of it is now going to be gone or very very blotchy/faded.  My tattoo was done a week ago Friday... Photo from that day is attached and then photos of this morning too... The body of the moth looks like it's going to be gone and the feelers will remain, and the sides of the moth appear to either be gone or very very fuzzy.  Is this stage "normal"?!  I've read they can go through a cloudy phase and I'm hoping that's all this is? I have 2 other tattoos (shoulder and back) who never went through this phase so I'm very unsure. Thanks for any help! (PS - Yes I've been following the after care requirements to a T, and purchased the recommended lotion from the shop too).  




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