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Posts posted by Flippa

  1. 12 hours ago, oboogie said:

    You have to engage on other threads for a while before you can post in other forums.

    I have some Johnny Cash lyrics and John Lennon lyrics incorporated into my tattoos.

    Oh ok cheers :) 

    That's awesome, I'm a big Cash fan, which of his lyrics have you got?

  2. 7 hours ago, Hands On said:

    Que Sera Sera with my gypsi girl by Jill Bonny 2008.



    Love it! Going for my first girl ink soon, after something like this from the same artist that did the pic. Hope it turns out as good as yours!


  3. Hey guys, so I've started an american traditional arm, which will hopefully have a lot of music related pieces. Wondering if anyone wants to share so g lyrics they've gotten to compliment their art? 

    I'm thinking about getting a zippo lighter with the words 'long as I can see the light' after the creedence song. Although I'm concerned people may mistake that for a religious deal, but ah well its not and its for me.

    Also planning a guitar with 'simple man' and a 'sympathy for the devil' tat. 

    Also can anyone tell me how to post outside the initiation forum? All of my other forum options are greyed out?




  4. So I got my second tattoo a month or so back and I really love it. Only thing I wish I'd done differently is consider placement! It's a record, and although it's a perfect circle, I got it on a part of my arm that curves quite a bit, so it always looks like it's either long and thin, or has a flat edge on it depending on how I move my arm. Minor gripe though. Wish I'd gotten it right under the crease of my arm though where it's much flatter. You can see in the first pic here that when I lay my arm down on a surface to flatten the skin it looks like a perfect circle. Anyway do you guys have any cautionary tales about placement decisions for someone who's just getting started? Also I'm thinking about my next piece and want to get this guitar except with wings and blue in the banner. Thinking about the phrase 'simple man' from the Skynyrd song. What do you guys think, will it looks good with wings or too busy? 





  5. 34 minutes ago, Gino_Spumoni said:

    So this is my first reply on this site, but I honestly think your piece looks great! 

    I wouldn't say its american traditional however - definitely Japanese. But looks like your artist knew what he was doing. I dig the lightning bolts AND the clouds the way that they are.

    Out of all my ink, my artist has made some last minute adjustments too that I "rolled with" and I'm glad I did. Mine were basically placement adjustments, but trust your artist if they have any sort of prestige to their name! 

    Thanks Gino! I think it looks japanese too which is what I think bugs me the most about it. He is a traditional tattoo artist, almost all of his work I've seen is american traditional. When I went in he asked me if what I was after was japanese, and I said no definately american traditional, and he said ok. I thought the sketch looked a little more japanese but assumed he knew what he was doing. I like the side in pic 2,3 and 4, but what I want to cover up is the 'swirly bits' because they do seem so japanese. Also very different to the other side which is more layered cloud shapes than swirls. I thought it may end up too dark if I covered so thanks for the advice guys, I'll sit with it. Maybe just fill in some of the white with more black on the swirls to give it a more traditional effect. Planning an umbrella with rain drops coming from under it to go above this, so if I go super traditional with that maybe it'll offset the japanese look. What do you guys think about the raised linework on pic 1? It's only on the corners where it zigs, and hard to tell in photo. But its very thick and raised in that spot even 6 months later, like it catches the light and everything. Is it scarring? Will that go down like the rest did eventually? Thanks guys.

  6. Hey guys,

    So I went for my first tattoo about six months ago, and screwed up in letting the artist change my mind on what I wanted. It all happened so quickly! He is a well respected and hugely popular artist so I trusted him even though I wasn't really sold in the design. I wanted an american traditional storm cloud, but ended up with this. I quite like one side, but the other I'm really not into. Woops. And it looks like the lines on one of the lightning bolts was done too deep or something, because it's still very raised (first photo). You can see what I mean in the photos. What do you guys think happened here? Anyway what I want to know is if I could cover up the three grey clouds with solid black to blend it into the black sky underneath. Will this work as the lines are a little darker than the black shading? Will they be visible? Thinking ahout covering them up with one large cloud, and adding an eye in white ink. Something like this very shoddy painted one in the last photo... Do you guys think this would work? Also the blue in one of the lightning bolts seems to have scarred over time or something. It's got this brownish , wrinkled look developing? (Third photo). I just find that I like the tattoo on one side, the side in the second photo, but the rest looks messy and not like clouds to me. Going to eventually get a full storm themed sleeve, and they just don't fit with what I have in mind. Next time I'll be firmer with what I want...











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