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Posts posted by NatFat

  1. Hello everyone, still seeking advice on my tattoo. I have posted a couple times about this. Basically I have a new tattoo on my finger and one line of the tattoo is raised as if scarring and only if I intentionally scratch it or hit it hard enough I will get a sharp pain that lasts a few seconds and then fades. I have other tattoos and never experienced this before. The tattoo is fairly new I have had it 2 months now and everything seems healed but this problem. Any idea on what this may be? Thank you!😇

  2. I have a question about a tattoo i just recently got 2 months ago. Its on my finger and its just a letter however one line of the letter seems to be raised like scarring and when you intentionally scratch it or hit it hard enough there is a sharp pain that occurs last for a few seconds then fades. I have other tattoos but never had this problem before. Any ideas what this could be?

  3. Hey guys, I recently got a tattoo on my finger (the letter M) its for the most part healed its been almost 2 months but i still have a pain on one line of the tattoo and is raised as if its scarring in this one line i can descibe the pain as only occurring when i hit hard enough or scratch it. The pain starts a few seconds after contact feels sharp almost like a sunburn then fades. Any ideas what this may be? Again its only in 1 line of the tattoo.

  4. Mtlsam, I know its been a couple years since this posting but any chance you found out what this was? Im currently experiencing this. Same sensation as described but in only one line of the tattoo it is a finger tattoo and raised but as I said only in one line of the tattoo. Any thoughts would be appreciated

  5. Mtlsam, I know its been a couple years since this posting but any chance you found out what this was? Im currently experiencing this. Same sensation as described but in only one line of the tattoo it is a finger tattoo and raised but as I said only in one line of the tattoo. Any thoughts would be appreciated

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