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Posts posted by Saykray

  1. First off, I am so happy this site exists. I love tattoos, have a few, and have made some poor tattoo decisions. 

    A little about myself- I worked in childcare for 10 years. Even have childcare director's training. I love kids, but I love my own more. So I am now at home with my three, and two dogs. I do sell vintage finds on Etsy and starting to sell my dads 25,000 comic collection. I consider myself a geek, nature loving hippie. 

    Okay so tattoo question- As soon as I was able to get a tattoo I did. My first being on my toe. It was suppose to be a vine with flowers. It looked horrible 3 days after I had it done. I don't like to wear sandals or flip flops because of it. So I decided to see what could be done. I found an artist we picked out an idea. Then he changed his mind. He also added shading around the whole thing, which I did not ask for, and he didn't ask me. Question is what to do now? I go back to get a touch up in a month. The first pic is after he finished. The middle was what we picked out. The big leaf was suppose to cover the toe and go over a couple others. The last is what it looked like on the beginning. I should mention I've had the toe tat since 2004. Thanks for any and all advice. 


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