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Posts posted by oschulte

  1. There seems to be so much info on what to do right after you get a tattoo but what happens after it fully heals? Say you hit the 4 week mark and your tattoo looks healed and ready to see the light of day (with SPF of course), do you keep washing it daily with soap or can you use the regular body wash you used to use before you got a tattoo and only wash it as often as you shower. Also in terms of moisturising, i used to moisturise every 2 days with body butter but is this potentially harmful to a healed tattoo? Should you keep avoiding alcohol and fragrance in your moisturisers or can you essentially treat your tattoo as normal skin now? 

  2. So I just got a black line work tattoo done and was told by the artist to wash it with soap and warm water twice a day for a few weeks and apply an ointment I bought off the studio. Thing is I only had a white Dove bar soap when I got home and have used it twice now (the first wash before I went to bed and again this morning) but am only now just realising it had Benzyl Alcohol and Fragrance in it.

    I heard these are huge no no’s for washing tattoos so of course now I’m going to go buy different soap. But should I be concerned about the colour being drawn out or the ink healing badly now since the first few washes are so crucial?

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