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Posts posted by rodpenit

  1. Hey guys! Very thrilled to join this community! So I had my first tattoo ever a couple months ago, and I'm quite happy with the overall result, except for one little detail... the location. As you can see the earth deforms when I stretch my arm. Its my first tattoo so I didnt think too much that this could happen and the artist didnt tell me anything either. As I said I really like the tattoo but that little thing kind of annoys me. I've even thought of turning the earth into a balloon or an egg or something that is meant to be deformed with pressure so it looks better and also to give it a touch of originality... But I havent done that because I fear it might ruin the tattoo... Maybe I'm also over worrying about this and should accept that tattoos can't be perfect. 

    Anyway, any advice to make the sphere look rounder (actually any advice about the tattoo itself) or thought will be welcome

    Thank you in advance!



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    Photo on 5-7-20 at 6.22 PM.jpg

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