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Posts posted by Tweisal

  1. Hi guys, I’m a new member here  

    I decided to sign up to this site after reading a few posts from people feeling depressed after getting a tattoo and I am currently in that situation. 

    I recently (a week ago) got my fourth tattoo. It’s a design from a video game I’ve been wanting to get for a year. 

    During and after the tattoo session I absolutely loved it, but a day after I started feeling like it’s too big and too black. I started feeling really down and anxious about it. I told myself I’ll get used to it, however a few days later a friend of mine told me the symbol in the middle (which is supposed to be a 4) kinda looks like a swastika and I CANT GET OVER IT!

    I’m Jewish and the thought of someone looking at me and thinking of a swastika makes me so so sad. I started asking people if they think the same thing, some said no, some said yes and some said they didn’t at first but now they do. 

    I don’t know what to do. I’m actually thinking about removing it. 

    Adding a picture of it. 


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