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Posts posted by KaceyMeg

  1. Hi there!

    This is a step further than a blowout, called ink migration. It has possibly spread far into some fat cells. As with a blowout, it can happen more frequently in thin skinned areas. The risk is also increased when on any kind of blood thinner before the tattoo.

    It’s not something that can be easily fixed, unless you get colour added especially over the blurry halo area, I’d only think getting watercolor style colouring would work with this design but it’s not for everyone.

    I’ve seen some success from laser removal, just in the halo area (they don’t need to touch the tattoo!) but besides these options I’m not sure how your artist will fix this.

    It’s unfortunate, and there are many reasons why it could have happened, the main would be needle depth versus skin thickness so hopefully your artist can learn from this.

    good luck!

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