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Posts posted by Lukaduka123

  1. I feel the same, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I realise this is an old thread but I think sharing my thoughts will help me. I got a new tattoo a couple of days ago, and I've been having trouble liking it as much as I did before I got it tattooed. Before this I already had 2 tattoos that I am happy with, these ones are smaller than the one I just got. I've always been a fan of smaller tattoos, and i had planned for this one to be small too, however, the artist said to get certain details in i would have to get it a bit bigger. It is on my left arm and is very noticible. Now i just feel stupid when anyone sees it or compliments it because i think they are judging me. I keep thinking that i've ruined my body and that i'll despise myself for getting it when im older. I wish i was able to see it from an objective perspective, but maybe not because i dont know how i'd react if i realised it was genuinely bad. Anyway hopefully i overcome this issue soon!

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