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Posts posted by girlnamedradio

  1. I have just over a month and a half to wait before I can start my back piece and put down a deposit on my next big piece, with maybe something small thrown in somewhere. Dozens of ideas floating around and was supposed to be starting my back in two days, so yeah... it's killing me! I know I'll be getting a ton of work done in the next year, if all goes as planned, but waiting for that next one is just crazy .

  2. I dunno...I keep movin right smart when I gots to go thru the ROck! My people lived in Mountain Home for awhile, and I thought that was bad enuf, but then I went to LR...the worst of both worlds, hot, flat, boondox, and ghetto!

    Just shuckin ya, honest! I'm sure there are nice parts of town, I just never made it to 'em!!!

    Don't know about nice, but there are a couple interesting ones. Don't put yourself out trying to get here to see em, though. Mountain Home? I know a few people there, and yikes! I'm sorry!

    @CultExciter: Thanks!

  3. Ha, thanks! It's not so bad here, once you get around the whole smack dab in the middle of Arkansas thing. Besides, as little as there is to do here, I can at least feed my tattoo habit. Works out. Not that I'm not plotting my escape or anything.

    The gallery will be a little while coming, as all my picture taking devices are currently on the fritz and my stored pictures seem to have vanished, but I definitely look forward to posting and interacting with everyone here. Love the exchange of knowledge and ideas I've seen here so far!

  4. The only negative reactions I've gotten have been from family members offended that "there's a naked lady on this girl child!" Okay, so that may not have been the exact quote, but I've gotten variations of it from a few relatives. My mother hates it. My sister (and, now that I think of it, a friend's aunt) asked why it couldn't have been a naked man. My response to questions as to why is generally the simple fact that I liked the concept, love my artist's interpretation of it, and I wanted it. My response to being told that someone doesn't like/approve of it is that they don't have to look at it (or me, if they wanna go there). An aunt commented on a pic where it shows that it "looks nasty." Just that, nothing else. She's known for being rude, but it was the first time someone managed to piss me off with a comment. I told her, basically, that I would've said "fuck you" if I was as crude as her, but instead would politely ask that she keep her opinions on my body and how I choose to adorn it to herself. Generally, though, I get looks or passing compliments, but nothing disturbing.

  5. Hey, I'm Persephone (although I answer to a lot of things, from the first name internetty people will never freakin' pry out of me--not a fan--right down to "hey, chick!" just as long as you make it clear which chick you're talking to). I clearly suck at introductions, but there it is. I'm a fledgling collector from Central Arkansas, which is less painful than some might assume. I have two tattoos: one I decided to get on a whim for my 20th birthday (almost exactly five years ago) at the cheapest shop in town, which will be covered by the back piece I'm starting next month, and one by the artist who will be tattooing said back piece, which not only renewed my desire to wear as much incredible art as possible, but also reminded me how much I love visual art in general. I have a few more big pieces conceptualized and plan to travel for more work when my broke-student budget allows. The internet led me here a few times before I joined and a few more times before my desire to talk tattoos overwhelmed my desire to not talk to anyone, ever. So, yeah. Hi.

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